Analysis of Characters in Runaway

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  Runaway is a contemporary short story written by Alice Ann Laidlaw who won the Nobel Prize in 2013.This article aims to analyze the different personalities of three protagonists in this story. In addition, the common personality of them is also put forward combined with the history background of Canada in the middle of 20th century.
  1. Carla
  Carla is a young woman who has married a man with bad temper. This article summaries five aspects of her personality. Firstly, her personality is contradicted which is mixed with hesitation, frustration, dismay, and confusion. In the round of escaping and returning, her inner conflict showed around the corner intensely and dramatically. During the time from which she got on the bus to call he husband to pick her up home, her contradicted trait has been manifested apparently. Secondly, she is perceptual and irrational. Because of the loss of a sheep, she became depressed. This was common things in life to common people, but it has great impact on her inner emotions. She can not treat this rationally, just like an immature child. Moreover, she made the choice of escaping without any preparation, which revealed her irrational thought. At last, she returned to her husband and was ready to continue to endure all sorts of his bad attitudes towards her, which also showed her uncertainty of her inner mind. Thirdly, she is emotional easily. Before escaping from her husband, she bursted into tears in front of Sylvia and complained about the bad behavior of her husband. Therefore, she desired to escape from this kind of painful life. Sylvia made her every effort to help Carla out of trouble. But she got off the bus on the midway and came back to her husband. The momentary sadness of Carla was enough to manifest that she was emotional easily. Finally, she is conservative and traditional. The “escape” of Carla was not aimless; she always had her own coordinate which was the point of leaving. But the place that she returned was still the original place of her spirit. Furthermore, she accepted the “horse” of Sylvia, which reflected her remained traits of traditional woman. And her returning to her husband just confirmed this point accurately.
  2. Clark
  Clark is a young man who is the husband of Carla. This article summaries three aspects of him. Firstly, he is irrational, impulse and preoccupied. He often quarreled with others for trivial things. For example, she would argue with others for a long time because of the disorder of the queue. Meanwhile, he would be angry with waiters or waitresses if the discounted breakfast was out of date. What is worse, he would fight with those who owed money to him. Secondly, he is rude and roguish. For example, he offended his boss, his wife, Carla, mediated for him. However, he was not grateful to his wife, but he was indifferent to his wife without any communication. In addition, the words he spoke out in the dialogue also showed his rudeness. For example, “‘you flare up,’ Carla said. ‘That’s what men do.’ Kara said”.   3. Sylvia
  Sylvia is an aged woman. She is the neighbor of Carla. It was her that help Carla escape from Kara. This article summaries two aspects of her. Firstly, she was full of the flavor of modern. Through the story, we know that she had her own careers, knowledge, ideas and went to Greece to go on a vacation. All these fully revealed her pursuit of freedom and her love of life. Secondly, she is helpful and sympathetic. After hearing the painful life of Carla, she tried her best to make plans to help Carla leave her husband.
  4. The common personality of the couple
  The dialogues between Carla and Kara do not have any particular meaning and purpose, but it led to contradictions and conflicts in those conversations which are of no significance. For example, “Just don’t be mad at me,” “I’m not mad. I hate when you’re like this, that’s all.” “I’m like this because you’re mad.” “Don’t tell me what I am. You’re choking me. ”
  All in all, the personalities are impacted by the certain period. Analyzing the characters, we can roughly divide them into two represents. Carla and Sylvia represent the interest of the female. Kara represents the interest of the male. According to the history, feminism and male chauvinism both are prevailing during the 20th century in Canada, and therefore the traits of the protagonists in the story also crossed to each other in addition to their different traits.
【摘要】在英语学习中,培养学生对英语的兴趣是关键,探索激发学生英语兴趣的方法,中职学生的英语水平肯定会有很大的提高,教师应积极营造轻松愉快的课堂气氛,创设生动的课堂情境,要善于表扬激励,让学生有成功的喜悦感,以此激发学生学习英语的兴趣。  【关键词】中职学校 英语学习 兴趣激发  兴趣是最好的教师,学生对所学学科一旦产生浓厚的兴趣,就会对所学的知识产生热情和好奇心,就会激发起强烈的求知欲,就会自觉
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【摘要】兴趣是学习最好的老师,学生在有兴趣的情况下才能把一样东西学好,在学习过程中一定会碰到困难,但是如果有兴趣,就会不怕困难,克服困难,把它学好的,所以我们在学习英语的时候一定要激发学生的兴趣,要保证学生对英语的兴趣,只有学生不把英语当作一个负担,学生的英语学习才能有所进步。  【关键词】兴趣教学 高中英语  一、研究背景  英语在高中是一门很重要的课,它的重要性绝不亚于任何一门理科,主要是它在
【摘要】英语是一种语言,既然是语言那就要让学生会用英语来说话,可见培养学生的英语口语能力是具有十分重要意义的,也是初中英语教学的一个重要目标。本文主要从加强口语训练,加强督查工作,创设真实的会话场景等方面来阐述在初中英语教学中,如何培养学生的口语能力的。  【关键词】英语 口语 能力  在传统的应试教学中,教师为了让学生多考些分数,总是以“教”为中心,侧重于语法的讲解与文章结构的分析,再就是让学生
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