This article recommends a high-quality blade, used in a new type of crankshaft milling machine, to improve the efficiency of crankshaft machining. The crankshaft company of Ohio of the United States, due to the adoption of new technology, converted the crankshaft turning to milling, so that the original crankshaft processing machine about 9 hours a day’s workload into the present 2 hours. Crankshaft machining efficiency increases, reducing the demand for equipment, which confirms the company invested 3.5 million US dollars to buy single-sided and double-sided cutter crankshaft milling machine is cost-effective. The company uses a crankshaft milling machine manufactured by GFμ, a company specialized in the machining of crankshafts for heavy-duty reciprocating and rotary motion machines. Crankshaft is fixed during machining, the inner hole cutter blade embedded in the cutter along the axis of the programmed trajectory rotation, rigidity cutting good. However, the plant engineer found that consuming the cemented carbide inserts was heavy during the use of the crankshaft milling machine. As the blade loss, cost