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在演示楞次定律时,常用一种可只绕固定轴转动的一端为封闭的轻金属圆环、另一端为开口的圆环的演示器。如图1所示。 一、用这种仪器演示楞次定律时出现了异常现象。 原演示时,用条形磁铁在闭合金属圆环中插进拔出时,仪器发生转动。用条形磁铁在开口金属环中插进拔出时,因开口圆环中无感生电流,没有感生磁场产生,故仪器不发生绕固定轴转动,从而说明楞次定律。 当使用表面磁场为几千高斯的强磁铁在开口金属圆环中插进拔出时,仪器发生了转动,出现了异常现象。原因是强磁铁在开口圆环中插进拔出时,虽然圆环 In the demonstration of Lenz’s law, a demonstrator that can only rotate around a fixed axis and has a light metal ring closed at one end and an open ring at the other end is commonly used. As shown in Figure 1. First, there was an anomaly when using this instrument to demonstrate Lenz’s law. In the original demonstration, the instrument rotated when a bar magnet was inserted into and extracted from a closed metal ring. When a bar-shaped magnet is inserted into and extracted from an open metal ring, no current is induced in the open ring, and no magnetic field is generated. Therefore, the instrument does not rotate around a fixed axis, thereby illustrating Lenz’s law. When a strong magnet with a surface magnetic field of several thousand gauss was inserted in and pulled out of the open metal ring, the instrument turned and an abnormal phenomenon occurred. The reason is that strong magnets are inserted into and pulled out of the open ring, although the ring
Generating electric energy from mechanical vibration using a piezoelectric circular membrane array is presented in this paper.The electrical characteristics of
点到直线的距离公式是高中解析几何课本中最重要的也是最精彩的公式之一 ,它的推导思路多样 ,方法灵活 .据笔者不完全的资料收集已有十余种以上 ,有几何方法 ,也有代数方法 ,
四面体是面数最少的多面体,它的四个面都是三角形,四面中有一面、二面或三面是直角三角形的四面体是存在的,那么四面能否都是直角三角形呢? 把四面体的顶点看作三面角的顶点
利用2008年3月和6月衢山岛海域渔业资源调查资料,研究衢山岛海域甲壳动物十足目(Decapoda)和口足目(Hoplocarida)中虾类的资源密度、种类组成和物种多样性等分布,分析主要优势种密度对其总资源密度的影响.结果表明,两个航次拖网调查中,共鉴定十足目18种,口足目1种.3月日本鼓虾(Alpheus japonicus)、葛氏长臂虾(Palaemon gravieri)和安氏白虾(Exo
笔者对九年义务教育三年制初级中学教科书《物理》第一册中,阿基米德原理演示实验略加改进,效果很好.1实验仪器(如图1)2实验过程 (1)按图1放好仪器,并记录石块未浸入水前两秤的示数G石和G桶.