Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B (2a-2d)

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  中圖分类号:G4 文献标识码:A
  The analysis of students
  Left-behind children are everywhere in China, some students in my class might be one of them, so they know the feelings and problems, then it’ll be easier for them to learn the language points in this class. But it may be difficult for them to tell Li Wen’s story in English.
  Teaching aims
  Knowledge aim:
  Master the key words and phrases: influence, seldom, proud, absent, fail, examination, exactly, pride, boarding school, be absent from, take pride in, in person, be proud of
  Target language: Go on learning used to
  Ability aim:To develop students’ reading abilities and learn the reading skills
  Moral aim:
  To learn to have communication, share happiness and sadness, be thankful to parents and so on.
  Teaching Important & difficult Points:
  a. Ss must master the key words and target language ;
  b. How to develop students’ reading skills.
  C. Retell Li Wen’s story.
  Teaching methods: 5-p teaching method, Task-based language, competition, cooperation, situation, reading strategy teaching method.
  Teaching procedures
  Part I Before reading
  Step1 Preparation
  Warming up and leading in
  a.Show several pictures of left-behind children, explain what the word means, meanwhile, lead in seldom.
  b. Ask a left-behind child: How do you feel when parents aren’t with you? Do you miss them?
  Step 2: Presentation
  a. Present the new words with the help of some pictures:
  boarding school, be absent from, take pride in, in person, be proud of and so on.
  b. Show the title: He Studies Harder Than He Used to. Let the students predict: What problems might Li Wen have in the past? Finish 2a. (The first group competition)
  Purpose:Create the situation to present some new words and phrases, in this way, it seems more natural and it’s easier for students to understand them. Besides, sweep away some of the reading barriers.
  Part II While reading
  Task 1 Fast reading:
  Introduce the reading strategy of skimming. Ask the students to skim the article to finish 2b---Put the missing language in the right place.
  Tips: Use the sentences context(before and after it).
  Check the answers.
  Task 2 Go through the article and match the main idea of each paragraph.
  Task 3 Careful reading
  Introduce another reading strategy--- scanning.   a.Ask the students to scan the first two paragraphs carefully and finish 2c---Underline the problems Li wen used to have.
  Explain:influence, emphasize phrases: do well in, cause problems, take care of, make a decision.
  Tips: When meeting the new words, we can use the context to help.
  b. Ask: How has he changed? Let the students read Para.4 carefully to complete the mind map.
  c.Li Wen has changed to be better. Who helped Li Wen change so much? What did they do? Read Para.3-4 and complete the mind map.
  d.Discussion: What plays the most important part?
  Good communication will build a bridge between ... and ....
  Conclusion:It’s very important for parents to be there for their children.
  Purpose:Read carefully to get more details and have a better understanding of the passage. At the same time, help students master some reading strategies.
  Part III Post reading
  Step3 Practice
  A survey: Find out the left-behind children in our class.
  Step4 Production
  a. Retelling.
  Who can have a try? Encourage group competition to retell the story.
  b. Summary:Reappear the important words and phrases.
  Step5: Progress
  a. Exercises
  1. 过度地玩电子游戏影响学习。(influence)
  Playing computer games too much ___________ your study.
  2. 84岁的钟南山在抗疫期间很少休息。(rest)
  The_____________Zhongnanshan___________ during the COVID-19.
  3. 我的地理老师缺席了昨天的班会。(from)
  My  geography teacher ___________________yesterday's class meeting.
  4. 做决定前你必须三思。(make)
  You have to think twice before __________________.
  5. 今天我以学校为荣,明天学校以我为傲。(proud)
  Today I’m ___________ my school and tomorrow my school will ___________ in my success.
  6.  他过去常惹许多麻烦。(cause)
  He  ___________________________________________.
  Li Wen used to be a happy boy. ______, after his parents moved to the city to work, he  changed into a “problem child”. His _______ (happy)made a big difference to his study. He lost _______ (interested)in studying. Sometimes he was absent _____ school. In this way, he failed _____ catch up with others. Then he wanted to leave the school.
  After his teacher knew it, she called his parents and advised them to talk with their son. His parents followed the teacher’s ______ (advise). They had a long talk. It was _____ (exact)what he needed. He knows his parents love him and they’re always ______ (pride)of everything good that he does. Since then, he has _____ (become) happier and more active.
   How important it is to_________(communication)well!
  b. Homework:Write a letter to your parents.
  【Blackboard Design】
  Unit 4  I used to be afraid of the dark.
  Section B (2a---2d)
  Words: influence, seldom, proud, absent, fail, examination, exactly, pride, boarding school,
  Phrases: be absent from, take pride in, in person, be proud of
  He studies harder than he used to.
  Li Wen’s parents had much more communication with their son than they used to.
  Teaching prediction:
  Because the students and I aren’t familiar with each other, I think it may be a little difficult to get on well with the class. But I can go out of my way to make knowledge interesting and encourage them to show themselves, teach them some useful reading strategies in order to be helpful to the further education. Meanwhile, I will tell them to enjoy reading and regard reading as a lifelong journey.
摘要:小学数学教学之中教师应科学化与合理化引入阅读审题内容训练,从而帮助学生在开展数学学习时能够有效养成良好审题习惯,并强化阅读理解能力。因此,本文分析与研究如何在小学数学课堂教学之中有效渗透阅读审题训练,使得学生能够在数学学习中具备一定程度上的审题能力,从而理解数学题目内在规律,从而实现对数学学习质量的提升目标。  关键词:小学数学;阅读审题;教学方法  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A  
中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A  加强家校联系,要以办人民满意的教育为宗旨,按照学生为本,沟通为主,理论联系实际的原则,逐步建立起家校联系、良性互动、合作育人的良好机制,具体应做好以下几个方面的工作。 加强交流、密切联系,增进彼此理解和支持。 要增进家长的理解和支持,就要把学生的各方面表現作为沟通的主要内容,密切家校联系,形成教育合力。与家长沟通学生在校、家庭、和社会上的思想、学习、生活等方
中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A  上周二下午,学校组织我们三年级全体学生去莘县现代农业嘉年华研学游。  下午2点整,周老师就带着我们下去站队,站好队,我们便排着整齐的队伍出发了。过了大概半个小时,我们来到了期待已久的地方——莘县现代农业嘉年华。  我们进去之后,走过来一位阿姨,她对我们说:“同学们好!我是你们的导游,你们可以叫我老师!”然后,老师对我们说了里面有八个馆。  我们先来到的是五号
中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A  一、做一个美的发现者  教师要在细微之处见真谛,善于在平凡中找出不平凡。我在周记中发现一个学生喜欢看古典小说,并根据小说内容将班上的同学写进自编的小说故事中,于是我在评语中写道:”你富有创造力,我愿做你的第一位读者。”谁知,他一发不可收拾,每次周记都有一段自己创作的小故事。而且还有点像模像样。一次赞扬,激励他看完了《水浒》、《三国演义》等许多部名著。  二、
摘要:很多数学教师都曾经明确的表示,在数学知识教学过程中,应用题的教学属于最为困难的部分。而学生在面对应用题时往往由于基础知识掌握不牢固,对应用题的解答产生恐惧心理,甚至不会分析应用题,面对此种情况,作为数学教师应该针对应用题进行了解后,结合学生自身掌握情况,有针对性的进行教学,从而进一步提高小学生应用题解答能力。  关键词:小学高年级;数学应用题;解题能力  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A
摘要:在英语教学中使用英语歌曲的本质是使用一种综合了听,说,读,写的综合教学方法来提高学生的技能。促进师生之间的交流,以提高教学效果。  关键词:英文歌曲;小学英语;教学策略  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A  引言  现在英语已成为当今世界上主要的国际语言,英语在中国实施国家体系所需的教育中具有相对重要的地位。通过学习唱歌有效地直接学习英语,可以增强孩子的学习乐趣和刻板的学习思维,使学生充
中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A  快乐是彩虹色的  像是一个彩虹糖吃进去之后感觉一直有甜味  闻起来像肥皂快乐水(可乐)  看起来像一百分的试卷  聽起来像夏日里的凉风  快乐是你捡到奥特曼变身器的感觉  快乐希望你能一直跟着我
提要:根据农村孩子在数学学习中出现的问题,主要是学习习惯的养成方面的问题,根据留守儿童的心理,通过深入研究。我们制定出适合现在农村初中生数学学习成长目标和方法,主要让这些农村孩子在学习上健康成长,为社会主义现代化建设服务。  关键字:农村 初中生 数学 学习习惯  中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A  一,让孩们有预习准备,自学后完成课后练习题  因为孩子们都是农村长大,其实他们的求知欲是大于城