我国经济发展的一种切合实际的办法 小改微观 适当放松

来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pan2009pan
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5月17日《经济参考》发表文章说:我国在治理整顿方面取得了可喜的成绩,但也遇到市场疲软、资金短缺、经济发展速度下降等问题.因此,理论界对当前经济形势有不同的看法.一种看法认为中国基本上是一种短缺经济,现在我们是发展中国家,人均收入水平还很低,前几年是高消费,现在这个消费是正常的消费.所以仍然应该执行“双紧”的政策,把力量放到发展农业和科技,搞一些基础设施这方面来. On 17 May, the Economic Information published an article saying that our country has made gratifying achievements in rectification and control but has also encountered such problems as the weak market, the shortage of funds and the slowdown of economic growth, etc. Therefore, the theoretical circles have different opinions on the current economic situation View that China is basically a shortage of economy, and now we are a developing country, the per capita income level is still very low, a few years ago is a high consumption, and now this consumption is normal consumption.So still should be implemented The policy of “double tightness” has put the power to develop agriculture and science and technology and engage in some infrastructure.
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