依法治火 创造良好的社会消防环境──写在《上海市消防条例》正式实施之际

来源 :上海消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cultra
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依法治火创造良好的社会消防环境──写在《上海市消防条例》正式实施之际文斋从1996年1月1日起,上海市人大常委会颁布的《上海市消防条例》(以下简称《条例》)正式实施了。这是我市消防法制建设的一个新的里程碑,标志着上海今后的消防工作跨入了依法治火的正规... Fire in accordance with the law to create a good social fire environment ─ ─ written in the occasion of the official implementation of the “Shanghai Fire Regulations” Wenzhai From January 1, 1996 onwards, Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress promulgated the “Shanghai Fire Regulations” (hereinafter referred to as “Ordinance”) was officially implemented. This is our city a new milestone in the construction of fire legal system, marking the future of Shanghai’s fire fighting work into lawful ...
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