Guangxi is short for “Guangnan West Road”. Guangnan West Road in the Song and Song Dynasties, and late Yuan Dynasty (1324-1367) emerged from Guangxi Province, an autonomous province of Guangxi that was founded independently by Qingyuan Nandan An-fu in Huguang Province, Xuanweisi in Liangjiang in Guangxi and Xuanweisi in Haibei Hainan Road. In the sense of indigenous officials as the symbol of Tusi system prototype. Based on this, in the early Ming Dynasty (1364-1435) and at Xuande six years (1431), the T’u-t’ung bureau was successively established in the Tusi areas including Guangxi. To Jiajing three years (1524), Tu official Yamen began to be replaced by chieftain, chieftain refers to both official and Yamen. To the indigenous officials or chieftain chieftain, Guangxi Tusi system formed one