Tackling the Spread of Wilderness Fires with Digital Tech 利用数字技术应对野火蔓延

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  From the Amazon basin to northern Siberian forests, the wildfires are spreading. However, the technology used to tackle large area fires has become more sophisticated to respond to this threat.從亚马孙河流域到西伯利亚的北部森林,野火正在蔓延。不过,用于应对大面积火灾的科技已变得更加先进。
  Wildfires are among the most destructive forces on Earth. When these fires burn into towns and cities on the edges of forests or wildlands, the economic damage and potential loss of life can be massive. Meanwhile, hotter global temperatures and extreme heat waves increase the danger from wildfire spread.
   The technology used to tackle large area fires has become more sophisticated to respond to this threat. Firefighters form highly-trained ground and air teams. Helicopters and air tankers carry water, suppressant foam, and flame retarding chemicals direct to fire hotspots.
  The state-of-the-art tech behind fighting fires
   Teams tackling the California wildfires used the Global SuperTanker1—a modified jumbo jet that carries almost 73,000 liters (19,200 gallons) of fire retardant—alongside the S-64 Aircrane heavy-lifting helicopter, which carries 10,000 liters (2,200 gallons) of water.
   These air tankers are used to put out flames and monitor fire spread through sensors and video feeds coupled to GPS data. Fed into sophisticated computer modelling software, they can help predict the fire’s behavior and possible spread patterns. Computer models are able to provide small area coverage only meters wide, mapping terrain and airflow. Fires are especially responsive to wind conditions and these tools allow firefighters to determine the passage of flames at ground level.
   But manned aircrafts need a large investment in maintenance and crew training. Command and control centers are turning to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to keep costs down and provide additional capabilities.
   Smoke can obscure the ground for days at a time or pose a severe inhalation risk to air crews—However, this is not a problem for drones. Onboard high definition, infrared and thermal imaging cameras can provide direction to ground teams, spot vital infrastructure (including power or water lines), and identify dangerous or flammable objects.
   Air crews are regularly prone to incidents and 24 per cent of firefighter deaths between 2006 and 2016 were due to plane and helicopter crashes. This highlights the wisdom of expanding drone fleets to provide support to fire teams.
   Infrared and thermal cameras can see through smoke to monitor ground teams and let them know when conditions change. UAVs can provide georeferenced aerial images, heat maps, and temperature scales of fire zones. Specialist drones can even carry hoses to less accessible areas. In the future, swarms of autonomous drones could be used to track wildfires and spot fire spread.    Thermal imaging technology has become widespread and less expensive to use. Handheld cameras and devices that attach to smartphones allow firefighters to see through smoke and find active fire hotspots, or undergrowth2 that is burning without producing smoke.
   Other technologies that can save lives include survival items like fire blankets. Often the last line of defense for trapped firefighters, a Sunseeker fire blanket can withstand temperatures of 3,000 degrees fahrenheit. First response firefighters who parachute into wildland fires—known as smokejumpers—are among those who need them most.
   Their training at the US Forest Service now includes the PARASIM3 virtual parachute jump simulator to practice for real-life situations. PARASIM provides the same performance as a parachute—where trainers can change wind speed, weather conditions and terrain types—inside a realistic 3D simulation.
   Augmented reality helmets that include breathing apparatus alongside computer vision-aided displays are adding to the ground team’s capabilities. Thermal cameras inside the helmets mean that firefighters can operate in environments completely obscured by smoke. At the same time they can wirelessly transmit information on what is happening at the frontline to command and control points.
   Robots are also making a difference. The Smokebot was developed by a Swedish university to assist fire and rescue services. It collects data in environments with reduced visibility using radar, a laser scanner, a thermal camera and gas sensors. Smokebot can help in forest fire situations mapping large areas filled with dust or smoke, where it is too risky to send in rescue personnel.
   Finally to get the bigger picture on fire tracking and monitoring, the US Forest Service and US Geological Survey uses data from the Landsat4 Earth-observing satellites. Data gathered from every major fire in the country since 1984 has been fed into computer models to help predict and prevent wildfires.
   Earth-observing satellites commonly detect wildfires in wilderness areas. Their cameras and remote sensors are used to estimate the fire’s evolution and provide situational awareness5 that saves lives.     ■
  扑救加州野火的消防队使用了Global SuperTanker超级灭火机,这是一种经过改装的巨型喷气式飞机,可运载近73,000升(19,200加仑)的阻燃剂;还使用了S-64 Aircrane起重直升机,可运载10,000升(2200加仑)的水。   灭火机不仅可以扑灭火焰,还可以通过与GPS数据耦合的传感器和视频源监测火势的蔓延。把数据输入先进的计算机建模软件,可以帮助预测火情火势。计算机模型能够绘制精确到数米范围的地形图和气流图。火势尤其受风况影响,而这些工具使消防员得以在地面确定火势蔓延的路径。
  地球观测卫星通常用于探测荒野地区的野火。卫星上的摄像头和遥感器用来预估火势的发展,提供可以拯救生命的态势感知能力。                      □
  1一种以波音747广体货机改造而成的超大型灭火机,是世界上装载量最大的灭火机,飞机持有者是Global SuperTanker公司。
  2 undergrowth下层灌木丛(指林木下的)。
  4美国NASA的陆地卫星计划。  5态势感知概念最早于20 世纪80 年代由美国空军提出(即分析空战环境信息、快速判断当前及未来形势并做出正确反应),覆盖感知(perception)、理解(comprehension)和预测(projection)三个层次。
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