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  坚持创新在我国现代化建设全局中的核心地位,深入实施创新驱动发展战略 uphold the central role of innovation in the modernization drive and implement the innovation-driven development strategy
  坚持把发展经济着力点放在实体经济上,坚定不移建设制造强国、质量强国、网络强国、数字中国 continue to take the real economy as the focus of its economic development, unswervingly build itself into a manufacturer of quality and enhance its strength in cyberspace and digital technology
  形成强大国内市场,构建新发展格局 nurture a strong domestic market and establish a new development pattern
  全面深化改革,构建高水平社会主义市场经济体制comprehensively deepen reform in pursuit of a high-level socialist market economy
  优先发展农业农村,全面推进乡村振兴prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, fully advance rural vitalization
  推进区域协调发展和新型城镇化push forward coordinated regional development and a new type of urbanization
  提高国家文化软实力promote the country’s cultural soft power
  推动绿色发展advance green development
  实行高水平对外开放pursue a new round of high-level opening-up
  改善人民生活品质further improve the quality of people’s lives
  統筹发展和安全coordinate development and security
  加快国防和军队现代化speed up the modernization of national defense and the military
Smart cities are a hot buzzword right now as cities all over the world look to how they can use new technologies. These cities are no longer futuristic scenarios dreamed up by creative thinkers. Inste
10 years after my mom died, my daughter was born. I thought I’d reached the bottom of my grief. I was wrong. 媽妈去世十年之后,我的女儿出生了。我本以为自己已走出了悲伤,然而我错了。  My mom died on her 50th birthday. She had been diagno
【编者按】 钢琴诗人傅聪不幸感染新冠病毒,于2020年12月28日在伦敦去世,令人哀伤!金圣华教授为纪念一代琴圣,特撰写《将人心深处的悲怆化为音符》一文,文中提到:傅雷与傅聪,一门双杰,在精神领域的追求上完全如出一辙。只要真正了解《傅雷家书》的意义,就会明白《家书》不是普通父子之间的闲谈,而是“艺术家与艺术家之间的对话”,他们畅谈艺术,纵论人生,而他们毕生从事的工作——文学翻译与音乐演奏,无论在形
Why thousands of waterways are having their curves restored  Beneath the junction where Hobgrumble Gill meets Swindale Beck in the Lake District of Cumbria is a suspended valley that has been farmed,
Philip and Eva Larkin corresponded twice weekly for about 35 years, with the pair exchanging minute details of one another’s daily lives. 在大約35年的时间里,菲利普和伊娃·拉金每周通信两次,母子二人在信中交流彼此日常生活中琐碎的细节。  He was terr
China’s original ‘model’ city matters more than ever.中國原先的“示范”城市比以往任何时候都重要。  By 2035, China’s government expects over 70% of the country’s population—around a billion people—to be living in cities. Ch
We are in the middle of another technology revolution. The digital economy will contribute 48% of GDP in China in 2035, up from 23% in 2020, according to the Boston Consulting Group1. The sector “Info
When day comes we ask ourselves:  Where can we find light in this never-ending shade?  The loss we carry, a sea we must wade.  We’ve braved the belly of the beast.  We’ve learned that quiet isn’t alwa
1932年11月,在全國享有盛誉的《东方杂志》发起过一场主题为“于1933年新年大家做一回好梦”的征文活动。这场征文活动,旨在征求两个问题的答案:(一)先生梦想中的未来中国是怎样?(二)先生个人生活中有什么梦想?  In November 1932, Oriental Journal, a magazine of high prestige, published articles with the
Hi, Mom actress and filmmaker who made Chinese box office history during the Lunar New Year holiday has a sad family story.電影《你好,李焕英》的主演兼导演贾玲在今年春节期间创造了中国电影票房的历史,但这背后的故事令人心酸。  Hi, Mom is the sleeper hi