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(新华社北京二十一日电)中央人民政府命令兹将中华人民共和国惩治反革命条例公布施行,此令主席毛泽东第一条根据中央人民政治協商會议共同纲领第七條的規定,为懲治反革命罪犯,鎮壓反革命活动,鞏固人民民主專政特制定本條例。第二條凡以推翻人民民主政權,破壞人民民主事業为目的之各種反革命罪犯,皆以本條例治罪。第三條勾结帝国主义背叛祖国者,處死刑或無期徒刑。第四条策動、勾結、收買公职人員、武裝部隊或民兵進行叛变,其首要分子或率除叛变者,处死刑或無期徒刑。其他參與策動。勾引、收買或叛变者,處十年以下徒刑,其情節重大者,加重處刑。第五條持械聚众叛亂的主謀者、指揮者及其他罪惡重大者處死刑;其他積極参加者處五年以上徒刑。第六條進行下列间諜或资敵行为之一者,處死刑或無期徒刑;其情節较輕者處五年以上徒刑:一、為國内外敵人竊取、刺探国家機密或供給情報者;二、为敌機、敌艦指示轰擊目標者;三、为国內外敵人供給武器軍火或其他軍用物資者。 (Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 21) The Central People’s Government has ordered that the People’s Republic of China punish the counter-revolutionary regulations promulgated and implemented. This will enable Chairman Mao Zedong’s first article to punish the parties for counter-revolution in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the Common Program of the CPPCC. Criminals, suppress counterrevolutionary activities, and consolidate the people’s democratic dictatorship formulated this Ordinance. Article 2 All kinds of counterrevolutionary criminals who aim to overthrow the people’s democratic government and undermine the cause of people’s democracy are all guilty of this offense. Article 3 Colluding with those who have betrayed the motherland by imperialism, they shall be sentenced to death or life imprisonment. Article 4. Impetting, colluding with the purchase of public officials, armed forces or militias to carry out mutiny, with the chief or rate-setters, committing the death penalty or life imprisonment. Other involved in the move. Seduce, buy or mutineers, sentenced to imprisonment of not more than 10 years, the circumstances are serious, aggravating the sentence. Article 5 The masterminds and commanders who hold armed rebellions and other criminals shall be sentenced to death; other active participants shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not less than five years. Article 6 Anyone who commits one of the following acts of espionage or capital infighting shall be sentenced to death or life imprisonment; if his circumstances are rather light, he shall be sentenced to not less than five years: (1) To steal or spy on state secrets or provide intelligence for domestic and foreign enemies; Enemy aircraft and enemy ships to bombard their targets; and thirdly, to supply weapons and arms or other military supplies to domestic and foreign enemies.
本文论述了在来流M1.72条件下,一个可变中心锥外压式进气道,强度为5~11%的六种滑流层在各种位置上进入唇口时对进气道稳定性的影响。 试验证明,强度低于10%的滑流层在唇口附近进
本文简单地介绍了一种航天氢氧-石棉膜燃料电池系统——4001电池组。 该电池组是由三十二个单体电池串联组成的。电池的阳极是滚压的炭电极,少量的铂钯作催化剂,阴极是滚压的