
来源 :海洋湖沼通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxquan
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滇池位于云南省昆明市南郊,面积298平方公里,平均水深4.17米,最大水深10.16米,南北长40公里,东西平均宽7公里,是云贵高原上最大的构造断陷湖泊。为了探讨我国东部油田的古地理环境,我所对滇池开展了环境条件综合研究,而粘土矿物是地理沉积环境重要矿物标志。开展对它们的研究无疑对探讨古地理沉积环境是非常重要的。为此,我们对40个表层样和二个2—3米长的湖底钻孔进行了粘土矿物分析和研究。 Dianchi Lake is located in the southern suburbs of Kunming City, Yunnan Province, covering an area of ​​298 square kilometers, with an average depth of 4.17 meters, the maximum depth of 10.16 meters, 40 km long from north to south, an average of 7 km east-west, is the largest tectonic rift lake in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. In order to explore the paleogeographic environment of eastern oilfields in our country, I conducted a comprehensive study of environmental conditions in Dianchi Lake, while clay minerals are the important mineralogical indicators of the geographical depositional environment. To carry out their research is undoubtedly very important to explore the paleo-sedimentary environment. To this end, we conducted clay mineral analyzes and studies on 40 surface samples and two 2-3 m long lake-bottom boreholes.
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