December 19, 2004, the third Henan Henan artifacts, works of art auction in the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The morning is painting, jade special auction. The afternoon is the porcelain, special auction Jane play. At 3:12 pm auction is No. 325 auction - “Song Ge kiln amphoras.” This bottle has a dignified and simple appearance. Its body glaze is thick, delicate, shiny and shiny. It is as creamy, with a beige color and even luster. The shape is graceful and graceful, and the outline is soft and smooth. Purple mouth iron foot, open piece of cloth, with the typical characteristics of the Song Dynasty brother kiln, the integrity of the body to save the rare boutique. When the auctioneer announced that the auction starting price of 7.8 million yuan, immediately bidder bidding, and 666 bidder immediately to the price added to 800 million, the other one