Patriotic Tour of Shandong

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  Abstract:Shandong province is a land of full of heroes,heroic deeds and heroic spirits during the Anti-JapaneseWar and Liberation War. People of Shandong have contribu-ted a great to the final victory of the NewChinas Reyolution.Shandong is in an advantageous position to have a profoundaccumulation of revolution and historical culture. It is impor-tant to carry out our central governments policy of developingpatriotic tour and to launch widely the education of patriotismand revnlutionary tradition.
  Key Words: patriotic tour; revolutionary base area; pa-triotism.
  The Significance of Developing Patriotic Tour.
  Patriotic tour is based on the revolutionary history, he-roic deeds and patriotic spirits. During the Anti-Japanese War and Liberation War times, under the leadership of Chi-nese Communist Party, there had been numerous Shandong revolutionary people who had scored great achievements. The revolutionary relics and the monumental sites act as the bear-er to accept and educate the visitors especially the young people. Developing patriotic tour plays an essential and pro-found role in strengthening the education of revolutionary tra- dition. It is significant to help Chinese people and young students to know more about the history of Chinese Commu-nist Party, the glorious historyof our hometown and to carryforward the fine tradition. It is also very helpful to develop the economy of the old revolutionary regions in a harmoniousway.
  Developing patriotic tour is beneficial to carry out the patriotic educationof the new era. Patriotismis the glorious tradition of our nation and it is the great strength to motivate our society. Patriotism is the spiritual prop shared by all the Chinese people. It is the important element of the socialism spiritual civilization. Patriotic Tour can change the backward economic conditions of the old and remote revolutionary places. With the development of patriotic tour, the revalu-tionary base areas will benefit from both the cultural effectand economic effect. There will be more working opportuni-tiesand income for the local residents. The revolutionary rel-ics together with other tourism resources will be well devel-oped and preserved. Our provincial tourism resources will be boomed with the development of patriotic tour.
  The Overall Arrangement of Patriotic Tour of Shandong.
  Based on the history and resources of the revolutionary base areas, the overall arrangement of ShandongPatriotic Tour is"One Core; Four Regions; A Main Line and Seven Refined Routes".
  One Core:
  In the anti -Japanese war and liberation war, Linyi was an important base area and the capital of Shandang Liberation Zone. Many organs resided in Linyi, such as East China Bu-reau and Shandong Branch Bureau of CPC, the headquarters of New No. 4 Army and No. 1 Branch of Anit-Japanese Military University, etc.. Many proletarian revolutionists,such as Liu Shaoqi, Xu Xiangqian, Luo Ronghuan, Chen Yi, Su Yu and Luo Binghui, lived and righted here. Centered on Linyi, Yimeng Mountain Revolutionary Base area is the centre of Shandong Patriotic Tour. It covers Linyi, Laiwu,Zibo, Weifang and some other cities. Linyi is one of the 18 national evolutionary base areas, and under the jurisdiction of Linyi city, Lanshan, Hedong, Mengyin, Yishui, Yinan,Feixian, Junan, Linshu and Cangshan counties are all the first-class revolutionarybases of Shaudong. This area is the bearer of Yimeng revulutionary spirits, the focus and the rep-resentative of Shandong Patriotic Tour System. Being part of the revolutionary base area, Yishan of Weifang city and Yiyuan of Zibo city are also rich in the cultural resources of patriotic tour. With the famous Laiwu Battle, Laiwu is also on of the important places of Yimeng Mountain Revolutionary Base Area.
  Four Regions:
  Along the borders of Hebei, Henan and Shandong prov-inces, the west Shandong Revolutionary Base Area is cen-tered on Heze city. It is one of the essential places of Shan-dong Patriotic Tour. It covers Heze, Jiuing and Liaocheng cities. This area is the typical revolutionarybase area of Shandong. Yuncheng, Dingtao and Juye counties of Heze city, Jinxiang. Qufu, Liaocheng and Jiaxiang of Jining city are all the main areas of patriotic tour.
  Railway Guerilla Hometownis centered on Jining and zaozhuang cities. It covers Zaozhuang, Xuecheng, Yanzhou,Zoucheng and Weishan Lake area. Zaozhuang is the home-town of the "Railway Guerilla" set up in the winter of 1939.During the Anti-Japanese War, the"Railway Guerilla" forces fought against the enemy bravely. They attacked for-eign firms at nights, getting machine - guns from the running train, destroying railway, blowing up bridges, intercepting freight trains and so on. This area was the main battlefield during the Anti-Japanese War when Shandong people fought against the Japanese invaders. The courageous and patriotic spirits of the " Railway Guerilla" forcesare deep-rooted in every Chineses mind.
  Based on Yantai, Weifang, Qingdao and Weihai cities,Shandong Peninsula Revolutionary Base Area is the main bat- tlefield during the Liberation War and also the main coastal area of patriotic tour. The tourism resources are mainly scat-tered in Pingdu, Laizhou, Haiyang,Zhaoyuan, Qixia, Laiy-ang, Wendeng, and Weicheng areas.
  Centered on Binzhou, Dongying and Dezhou cities, the Bo Sea Revolutionary Base Area covers Kenli, Yangxin,Hnimin, Zouping, Boxing, Zhanhua, Leling and etc. This area had been one of the most important revolutionary base areas during the Anti-Japanese War, Liberation War and Land Revolution.
  A Main Line
  It is the transferring line of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route in Shandong. Since the March of 1939, the 115th Division had fought against the enemy troops for hundreds of times and their traces had coveted more than half area of Shandong province. From the southwest of Shandong and Hebei-Shandong borders to the Yimeng Revolutionary Base Area and back to the Coastal Base Area, the 115thDivi-sion had left plenty of revolutionary- relics and sites. This main line is one of the essential parts of the overall arrange-ment of Shandong Patriotic Tour. This main line connects" One Core" and"Four Regions"and forms a big"Shandong Patriotic Tourism Circle" in space.
  Seven Refined Routes
  The Conception Route of Shandong Patriotic Tour "Bei-jing-Jinan-Zaozhuang-Linyi-Qingdao-Shanghai";the Refined Route of Yimeng Mountain Patriotic Culture Tour"Jinan-Lalwu-Mengyin - Menglianggu - Yishui - Yinan - Feixian - Cangshan - Linshu -Junan - Linyi - Nanjing" ;Jiaodong Patriotic Culture Tour"Jinan - Zibo - Weifang -Pingdu - Laizhou - Zhaoyuan - Qixia - Laiyang - Haiyang -Qingdao" ; the Hometown of the Railway GuerillasTour "Ji-nan - Taian - Jining - Qufu - Zoucheng - Weishan Lake -Tengzhou - Zaozhuang - Xuzhou" ; the Southwest of Shan-dong and Hebei -Shandong Borders Patriotic Culture TourJinan - Dezhou - Liancheng - Jiaxiang - Jinxiang - Liangs-han - Yuncheng - Juye - Dingtao - Heze - Shangqiu"; theRefined Route of the old Revolutionary Base Area of Bo Sea"Jinan - Huimin - Binzhou - Dongying - Kenli - Zhanhua -Wudi - Yangxin - Leling - Ningjin - Dezhou".
当今全球化和区域一体化趋势正在深刻影响着世界历史的发展进程,其表现之一是传统的国家主权形态和观念受到了挑战。欧洲国家以不同的方式来应对这种挑战,其中英国的方式颇为引人注目。  英国人对主权让渡的认识经历了较为复杂的过程:从欧洲一体化初期不愿让渡主权,到加入欧共体时出现“无关主权”“共享主权”和“威胁主权”三种认知,之后逐渐形成主流共识:一方面,让渡部分主权、融入欧洲一体化有利于增进英国国家利益;但
摘要:新课程标准强调学生的个人鉴赏感悟、个人体验,以及这种个性化感受、见解和启示的发展、交流和分享。新课程语文个性化作文教学为当前的作文教学指明了方向,注入了新的活力。它具有自主性、体验性、创造性、批判性等基本特征。个性化作文教学创设各抒己见的写作氛围,激发学生写作兴趣透视生活储备,释放独特体验,激发学生的写作热情,培养创新求异的写作思维,提高学生个性化写作能力。  关键词:作文教学;个性化;基本
晚清以来,太平天国可能是评价最为纷歧、是非变幻最多的一段历史。在清朝统治者眼里,太平军是“粤匪”“发逆”;在清末革命党看来,太平天国是一场伟大的民族革命运动。民国以后,太平天国民族革命史观得以确立,孙中山领导的国民革命与太平天国之间一脉相承的关系也得到普遍承认。孙中山领导的国民革命揭橥民族主义大旗,并将其思想渊源追溯到太平天国及元明革命,故民国以后,太平天国民族革命史观得到了广泛认同。  然而从1
[摘 要]通过十年来太平天国史研究的新进展,我们发现只有转换和开拓视角,通过向下关注下层社会、向上深化上层研究、注重横向和整体研究,将历史学与人类学、宗教学、社会学等多学科理论和方法结合起来,才能不断推进太平天国史研究的深入发展。  [关键词]太平天国史,跨学科研究,田野调查  [中图分类号]K25 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]0457-6241(2014)18-0069-04  太平天国史研究
?眼关键词?演以色列,中东热点问题,犹太历史与文化  ?眼中图分类号?演K1 ?眼文献标识码?演B ?眼文章编号?演0457-6241(2014)16-0070-02  2014年6月21日,由中国中东学会、河南大学历史文化学院、河南大学犹太研究所和河南大学国际问题研究所联合举办的“以色列研究暨中东热点问题论坛”在河南大学隆重举行。来自南京大学、上海外国语大学、中国人民大学、云南大学、山东大学、郑
摘 要美国在越南困难重重的战事,使得华盛顿冷战整体战略受到极大牵制。尼克松不得不面对现实,以尽快脱离战略与政策困境。尽快“体面地”结束战争成为美国亚洲政策一个亟待解决的议题。尼克松政府试图接触中国政府,缓和中美关系,在越南问题上同中国进行利益交换,不仅为了降低东南亚对美国“抵御共产主义”的战略重要性,同时希望通过中美“政治交易”,促进河内改变强硬的态度。这种策略完全出于尼克松、基辛格的现实主义考虑
笔者最近有幸拜读了何孝荣教授等人的新作《明朝宗教》(37万字,南京出版社,2013年),受益匪浅,该书集全面性、精深性、创新性和思辨性于一体,是一部全面深入反映和代表最新研究成果的学术专著,对于我们了解明代宗教的发展史和特点具有极大裨益。  第一,全面性。这体现在两个方面,首先是所涉及的宗教种类的全面。何孝荣教授研究中国佛教史多年,学术成果丰硕。他带领几位博士生、硕士生,根据各人专长,分头研究和撰
摘 要近代中国母性主义思想产生于20世纪初期,新文化运动以后母性主义思想开始富有本土色彩并且产生了重要影响;母性主义并不等同于贤妻良母主义,其与易卜生主义也并非存在分歧,三者的关系說明任何有关近代中国妇女解放的思想都要顺应构建现代民族国家的需要,母性主义思想最终成为了建构近代中国新女性形象和话语的内容之一。   关键词母性主义,贤妻良母主义,易卜生主义,新女性   中图分类号K26 文献标识码
[摘 要]《走近乡村——20世纪以来中国乡村发展论争的历史追索》一书系统梳理和概述了20世纪中国乡村发展进程中的思想交锋及其理论探索问题,在把握时代趋势和学者关切中将乡村发展问题划分成不同阶段,并力图带领读者在学者的不同观点中找寻解决中国乡村问题的方法和途径。该书是一本研究20世纪以来乡村学术思想史的佳作,同时具备了乡村问题工具书的功能。  [关键词]20世纪中国乡村问题,农村建设,乡村学术思想史
【关键词】东方外交史,中华民族主体意识,东方史观  【中图分类号】K3 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】0457-6241(2013)10-0071-02  为了总结东方外交史研究的既有成就,整合学界的力量和探讨东方外交史研究的发展方向,由外交学院东方外交史研究中心主办的首届“东方外交史研究前沿论坛”于2012年11月24日在外交学院举行。与会专家学者来自国内二十几所高校与研究机构。本次论坛的成功召