Gorilla who mastered sign language dies 语言天才大猩猩离世

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  Koko, the gorilla(大猩猩), who is said to have been able to communicate by using more than 1,000 hand signs, has died in California at the age of 46. Instructors taught her a kind of American Sign Language and said she used it to express thoughts and feelings.
  The abilities of the gorilla, who also obviously understood some spoken English, were documented by animal psychologist Francine Patterson. She adopted pets, including a cat she called All Ball.
  “Koko—the gorilla was known for her ability to use sign language, and as the primary ambassador for her endangered species, she passed away in her sleep at the age of 46.” a Gorilla Foundation press release said.
  “Koko touched the lives of millions as an ambassador for all gorillas and she was beloved and will be deeply missed.”
  The gorilla, who was said to have an IQ of between 75 and 95, could understand 2,000 words of spoken English. The average IQ for humans on many tests is 100, and most people score somewhere between 85 and 115.
  She was born at the San Francisco Zoo in 1971. Dr. Patterson began working with Koko the following year and taught her sign language, the Gorilla Foundation said.
  Some scientists have doubt on the gorilla?蒺s communicative skills.
  However, she was the subject of many documentaries and was the cover star for magazines including National Geographic. She also gained public attention for caring for cats. When her tailless cat All Ball escaped and was killed by a car in 1984, Dr. Patterson wrote that she was very sad.
  Koko lived most of her life at the Gorilla Foundation in California. She was filmed meeting the late actor Robin Williams in 2001.
  1.Koko, the gorilla, who is said to have been able to communicate by using more than 1,000 hand signs, has died in California at the age of 46. 46岁的大猩猩Koko在加利福尼亚州离世,据说她会使用1000多种手语进行交流。
  该句是一个含有定语从句的复合句,who用作关系代词,引导定语从句,修饰先行词Koko, the gorilla。at the age of... 是固定搭配,意为“在……岁时”,有时可与when从句互换。
  2.Koko—the gorilla was known for her ability to use sign language... 大猩猩Koko以出色的手语能力而闻名……
  be known for是固定词组搭配,意为“因……出名”;ability是名词,意为“能力;才能”,其后接的动词不定式短语to use sign language作名词ability的后置定语。
  3.She also gained public attention for caring for cats. 她也因为照顾小猫而受到公众的关注。
  care for是固定词组,意为“关心;照顾”,此处是介词for的宾语,因此用动名词形式。
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非物质文化遗产系列报道之二十七  热河桌的命运跟传承人一起,随着时代的发展翻过了新的一页。    在央视《百家讲坛》马未都先生说收藏中,特地提到一件“万字锦地拼面画桌”。这件由紫檀和瘿木制成的画桌,桌面大约由5000块细碎小木块拼成,连绵不断的“卍”字图案体现了制作者巧夺天工的技艺。殊不知,这项源自清宫的皇家工艺名为“热河桌工艺”,历经岁月沧桑几近失传,如今终于在其第七代传承人孟繁中手里得以再现风
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