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在求学的道路上,深得许多老师的教益,其中对自己影响最大的是毕霈霖和岑麒祥二位先生。他们执教的风格各有所重,唯其如此,恰恰赐给了我双倍的幸运,使我倍加珍惜。 霈霖(道尊)先生是我的启蒙塾师。他教育我的特点,是鼓励我快想、爱说、敢争。一个小孩子不知天高地厚,却动辄妄言天之高地之厚。先生不但不泼凉水,反而把你一句我一句展开面对面的讨论引以为乐,那热情也近似于孩子的天真。由于得到先生的支持,这种个性一直保留到大学生活中,以至于延续至今。 1962—1963年,我在北京大学中文系语言学专业读五年级,得做毕业论文。论文的题目是《论词位与词位变体》,指导教师是岑麒祥(时甫)教授。早就知道先生是我国马克思主义语言学教学和研究的奠基者之一。那两年一直在听他的历史比较语言学和语言学史课,而这两门课程的开设在国内又都是首创之举,我们尤其能体会得到其中包含的他在印欧系语言和欧美语言学研究方面的特殊贡献。这回在他的直接指导下写文章,接触的机会自然就更多, In the study of the road, won many of the lessons of the teachers, of which the greatest impact on their own is Biezilin and Cen Qixiang two gentlemen. Their style of coaching each have their own weight, the only way, just gave me double luck, I treasure. Mr. Lin (Mr. Road) is my enlightenment private school teacher. He educated me by encouraging me to think fast, to love, to dare to fight. A child I do not know the heights, but it is often rash that the height of the heights of the sky. Instead of pouring cold water, not only does your husband enjoy talking to you in person, but his enthusiasm is also similar to the child’s innocence. Due to his support, this personality has been retained in college life, so far extended. From 1962 to 1963, I was a fifth-grade major in Linguistics at the Chinese Department of Peking University and was awarded a thesis. The title of the essay is “On the lexical and lexical variations,” the instructor is Professor Cen Qi Xiang (Shi Fu). I already knew that Sir is one of the founders of Marxism linguistics teaching and research in our country. Those two years have been listening to his history more linguistics and linguistics history class, and the opening of these two courses are the first in the country, we can experience in particular, including his inclusion in the Indo-European languages ​​and Europe Special Contributions to Linguistic Studies. This time, writing articles under his direct guidance naturally leads to more opportunities for contact.