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教学要求根据中学语文教学大纲(试行草案)的精神,六年制中学高中三年级的读写训练要求同五年制中学高中二年级基本一致,不提高程度,在复习巩固的基础上,适当扩大知识面,具体要求是: 复习巩固高中一、二年级已有的知识,进一步掌握现代语文的读写能力。着重巩固比较复杂的记叙、议论的能力。阅读比较复杂的记叙、议论的文章,能抓住中心,了解内容,理清脉络,掌握语言特点。写作比较复杂的记叙、议论的文章,力求做到观点鲜明,内容充实,结构完整,条理清楚,语句流畅。继续巩固和培养阅读浅易文言文的能力,主要是掌握一般常见的文言词的音、义,学习一些文言词汇和句式的知识,力求能借助工具书阅读浅易的文言文。增强文学修养,丰富文学知识,提高对文学作品的鉴赏能力。高中语文课本第六册是根据上述要求,编写教材和确定教学重点的。 Teaching requirements According to the spirit of the Chinese Language Teaching Syllabus for Middle Schools (Trial Draft), the literacy training requirements for the sixth-year high school students in the six-year secondary school are basically the same as those for the five-year secondary school senior high school, and the degree is not increased. On the basis of review and consolidation, the appropriate expansion is required. The specific requirements of knowledge are: Review and consolidate the existing knowledge in the first and second grades of senior high school, and further master the ability to read and write in modern Chinese. Focus on consolidating more complex narrative and commentary capabilities. Reading more complicated narrative and commentary articles can grasp the center, understand the content, clarify the context, and master the language features. Writing more complex narrative, commentary articles, strive to achieve clear-cut views, content enrichment, structural integrity, clarity and fluency. Continuing to consolidate and cultivate the ability to read light and easy classics, mainly by mastering the sounds and meanings of common common classical words, learning some classical Chinese vocabulary and sentence patterns, and trying to use the tools to read simple and easy classical Chinese. Enhance literary cultivation, enrich literary knowledge, and improve the appreciation of literary works. The sixth volume of high school language textbooks is based on the above requirements, the preparation of teaching materials and determine the teaching focus.
在列车牵引过程中,机车、动车司机如何利用机车牵引力,这是影响能量消耗的一个重要因素。列车的运行是司机发挥创造性的过程,这个过程决定于: ①按照运行图规定的两站之间的