夏天赤日炎炎,稍一活动就大汗淋漓。游泳既可祛暑消夏,又可锻炼身体,塑造体形,减轻体重,是女性最适宜的一项体育健美活动。 人在水中游泳,两臂划水同时两腿打水或蹬水,全身肌肉群都参加活动,可促使全身的肌肉得到良好的锻炼。尤其是与上肢摆动划水有关的胸大肌、三角肌、肱三头肌和上半身的背部肌群,会变得比较发达。划水和打水时紧张和放松相交替,长时间的锻炼会使肌肉变得
Hot summer sun, a little activity sweating. Swimming can eliminate summer summer, but also exercise, shape, reduce weight, is the most suitable for women, a bodybuilding and bodybuilding activities. People swimming in the water, his arms paddling at the same time his legs water or pedal water, the whole body muscle groups to participate in activities that can promote the body’s muscles get a good exercise. Especially with the upper limb swing paddling pectoralis, deltoid, triceps and upper back muscles, will become more developed. Tension and relaxation of water and water to replace, prolonged exercise will make the muscles become