
来源 :贵州大学学报(艺术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dhgczjd
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人与动物的主要区别就在于人是“符号的动物”,符号化的思维和符号化的行为是人类生活中最富代表性的特征,并且,人类文化的全部发展都依赖于这些条件。甚于此,恩斯特·卡西尔为他的全部文化哲学提供了一个中轴,这就是:人——运用符号——创造文化。正是在这样逻辑起点上,作者将少数民族服饰与人生礼仪、与族群成员社会化的过程,都视为一个符号化的过程。少数民族通过服饰这种符号活动和符号思维,进而使服饰符号达到一种综合效应,呈现出多重动因结构和象征意义,隐含着社会的秩序与法则,透露出诸多的非语言代码信息。文章立足于符号人类学和象征人类学的理论框架,从少数民族服饰向心排异的族徽功能、社会角色标识作用、社会身分信息、地位等级象征四个方面进行较为系统的论述阐释,指出了它们在特定族群文化体系中的价值,并得出了少数民族社会的礼法体制,很大程度上得促于人们的服饰穿着规则的结论。 The main difference between man and animal lies in the fact that man is a “symbolic animal.” Symbolic thinking and symbolic behavior are the most representative traits in human life. And all the development of human culture depends on these conditions. Even so, Ernst Cassire offers a central axis for all his cultural philosophy: people - using symbols - to create culture. It is at such a logical starting point that the author regards the process of minority dress and life etiquette and socialization of ethnic group members as a symbolic process. Through symbolic activities and symbolic thinking of the costumes, the ethnic minorities achieve a comprehensive effect on the costume symbols, presenting a multi-motivation structure and symbolic meanings, implying social order and laws and revealing a great deal of non-verbal code information. Based on the theoretical framework of symbolic anthropology and symbolic anthropology, the essay systematically expounds and explains the ethnic emblem function, the role of social role identification, the social identity information and the status symbol of ethnic minorities, Their value in the particular ethnic group culture system and the etiquette system of the ethnic minority society have come to prominence to the conclusion of people’s clothing dress rules to a great extent.
社 会生活全面的计算机化、信息化和网络化的到来,信息技术在展示科学技术向当今社会文化的全面渗透、推动社会文化的演化发展中,发挥着核心作用。今天的世界正向电脑网络时代
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唐日新 男,汉族,中共党员,1949年3月出生于常宁市。1968年高中毕业于常宁二中。1971年调入干部队伍。1985年毕业于湖南师大中文系。1987年3月至1999年6月先后担任省委宣传部办公
广西师范大学自行研制的OIC型、IC型烟草专用肥,氮、磷,钾配比合理,含有烟草生长所需的多种微量元素和生长素,对烟草有调节生长、防病、营养作用. 用这两种专用肥进行试验,