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  Summary: The concept of new curriculum demands the teacher to update the original view of course, teaching and evaluation, to aggressively carry out class teaching reform. All of this means changing the existing classroom teaching methods by the secondary school teachers, reestablishing efficient middle school students’ interest courses which fits the concept of new curriculum. Interest is the foundation and precondition for students to start studying and improve learning skill. In this time, making a breakthrough on the traditional teaching pattern and teaching class, establishing a new interest course which bases on interest, caters for the students and disciplines characteristic development under the new situation, is an important link of education in current secondary schools who need practice. Constructing a new interest course with targeted universal oriented characteristics has a very important practical significance for high school students to acquire more knowledge and improve self-quality under the new situation. To build interest courses, reaching the purpose of improving teaching result, the class should be guided by the new curriculum concept, establishes development by creating teaching situation, to mobilize students’ emotional factors, guide the cooperation inquiry, evaluation of implementation of incentive strategy, then to mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of student learning, deepen in the middle school teaching in the classroom building on the student’s quality education.
  Key words: Middle school students; Interest class; The new curriculum reform; Construction
  一、Explaining the meanings of carrying out interest courses
  There is such a phrase in Management: “When people are in a good mood, the working efficiency is the highest.” Similarly, when the people are in a good mood in study, then they have the highest learning efficiency. To understand from the perspective of psychological research, when a person is in a good mood, thinking particularly sensitive, initiative is particularly high, so the efficiency of the work, learning will be a lot higher than usual. That it can be seen that how essential it is to build a pleasant High school classroom teaching class.
  Tthe construction of middle school interest courses is the demand of the school to implement the national education policy and the need of cultivating high-quality talents. From a macro point of view, establishing a interest course implements “adhere to the political theory education and social practice, emphasizing both the classroom education, and pay attention to guide students to society, knowledge society” requirements. In the new period to strengthen and improve the basic principles of middle school students’ ideological and political education in the emphasis on social practice of middle school students to understand society, understand the national conditions, growth ability, contributing to society, exercise perseverance, cultivate character, enhance the important role of social responsibility, etc. Therefore, the construction of interest course is not only a supplement to the knowledge of the traditional classroom, what’s more, to develop interest in practice platform for the construction of a class, which plays an important role in implement the national education policy, cultivating high-quality talents.   二、The analysis about influence of teachers’ attitude to build interest class
  Classroom teaching depends on both teachers and students, the lack of any party has no class, let along the implementation of the teaching. In the middle school classroom teaching, teachers’ attitude to the teaching of knowledge can have a essential effect on whether the interest class can be established. The art of teaching not only consists in teaching skills, knowledge and technique, but also consists in encouraging, awaking and inspiring students to find and come up with questions. The teacher is not directly provides the conclusion directly to students, but constantly inspiring, intellectualizing, stimulating students’ desire to study, which can promote students learning, making students’ soul always stay in the dynamic development state. The real teaching is just like to use a tree to shake another tree, to promote another cloud with a cloud, and use a soul to awaken another soul. Therefore, in classroom teaching in middle school, the task for a teacher is not just teaching students on the books of knowledge, he or she should also examine himself or herself: in the process of classroom teaching, is my sentiment rich? Is my attitude positive? Are my values correct? A good middle school teacher firstly should be a person with unique personality, who knows how to use “self” as the most effective tool for teaching. Specific to the classroom teaching in secondary schools, teachers must have the correct concept of education and teaching, teachers and students, occupation view. In addition, something that matters is “love”. That is to say, as a teacher, he not only has to love his own career as a teacher, loves the students in his class, but also has deep love for life. The teacher would show it unintentionally and involuntarily if he is full of love. With the love of middle school teaching, the love of his students and love of life, all of these will enable the middle school teaching in the class and in the classroom in the lingering warmth. In this way, students will be enabled to have a positive emotional experience which touches the students “emotionally moving”, lets them have a thirst for knowledge, dedication to the truth, so that they acquire how to love life and be willing to learn.
  三、The concrete description of middle school interest course construction
  The construction of middle school interest courses is a system process, there are specific steps in the process of construction. To grasp the construction steps, on the basis of scientific and concrete steps , in order to make construction more smoothly in the class, to better control of each construction linked with operation points, to the point according to the steps carried out in an orderly manner corresponding construction work.
  [1] Li Yanjing. Constructing interest courses in junior high school based the concept of the new curriculum [J]. Education Forum, 2014, 9 (38): 230-231.Of for Cultivars in the.
  [2] Jin Peng, Liu Jianping. The future of implementation of interest courses in Colleges and universities under the new situation [J]. Border economy and culture, 2013113(5):131-132.
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摘 要:改革开放以来,我国经济高速增长,科学技术飞速发展,工程活动成为中国现代化里程的重要标志。建设工程正以日新月异的速度改变着社会的面貌,它己经渗透了社会生活的方方面面,成为了人类社会生活的一部分。但是,我们也注意到,随着我国工程建设发展,我国的工程事故也呈现上升趋势。一些工程存在着环境质量、功能质量差,存在着影响结构安全等隐患,尤其是一些建设工程事故己经给人民生命财产造成了严重损失。职业道德水
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摘 要:饮食安全是幼儿园安全工作的重中之重,“民以食为天,食以安为先”,幼儿膳食的营养、安全不仅直接关系到幼儿的身体健康和生命安全,而且关系到幼儿园教育教学工作的顺利进行;关系到成千上万个家庭的幸福和社会和谐稳定。精良的配备、精细的管理、均衡的营养、儿童化的餐点成为幼儿膳食安全管理行之有效的举措。  关键词:精细管理;特色幼儿饮食;安全  教育部部长袁贵仁同志说过:“生命不保 ,何谈教育”。食品安
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摘 要:班主任带班是一门艺术,更是一种修养。本文通过能力、微笑、沉默、威严4方面来阐述了对于班主任工作的一些见解。  关键词:能力;微笑;沉默;威严  班主任工作是一项繁琐的工作,看起来非常简单,要真正做好需要花点心思研究。 要做好班主任工作,一定要注意以下四点:注重学生能力的培养;微笑是送给学生的最好礼物;沉默是金;威严很重要。  一、知识不等于能力  现实工作中往往有许多满腹经纶的优秀大学毕业
摘 要:政工人员是学校教育中重要的组成要素,担负着学生思想政治教育的责任,是学校进行改革和发展推动力。政工人员的思想道德品质和素养直接关系着学校的发展和学生个人素质的形成。所以,政工人员的素质在学校教育中有着重要的意义。本文对学校政工人员提高品行素质的意义进行分析,阐述学校政工人员应具备的素质。  关键词:学校政工人员;品行素质;意义  一、学校政工人员提高品行素质的意义  高素质的政工队伍是做好