Analysis of English Education Methods in Primary and Secondary Schools

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  Abstract:English Teaching in primary and secondary schools usually takes the use of language as the teaching goal and requires teaching in a specific communicative environment. Teachers should cultivate student’s English communicative competence through training, imparting knowledge and cultivating ability. In order to cultivate qualified English talents in the 21st century, teachers must pay attention to cultivating student’s quality in all aspects according to the law of education and the law of student’s physical and mental development. At the same time, teachers should also pay attention to teaching with students as the main body and quality education as the basis. This paper makes a simple analysis of English teaching methods in primary and secondary schools.
  Key Word:Primary and Secondary Schools;English Learning;Teaching Methods
  1. Introduction
  1.1 The position of English in the World
  English is the world language. It is the most important language for human communication. English is used as an official or semi official language in more than 60 countries around the world. Therefore, English is the dominant language in the world.
  The 21st century is a world in which countries and nations are interdependent. Mastering English is a necessary condition for world scientific and technological progress. As a trade language, auxiliary language and international language, English has been widely used in science and technology, business, sports and other fields.
  As an international communication tool, English plays an important role. For individuals, mastering and using English will directly affect their future development; For a country, English ability and quality will directly affect its interests in international business and political affairs.
  1.2 Concept of English Teaching
  English teaching is a process of teaching English to non-native speakers. English teaching involves a variety of professional theoretical knowledge, including linguistics, lexicology, syntax, stylistics, corpus theory, cognitive psychology and so on.
  English teaching is a gradual process. Whether English is the first language or not, English learning is very important for the development of globalization.
  2. Problems in English Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools in China
  Under the influence of Chinese traditional education model, schools generally pursue “enrollment rate”. English teachers are used to exam oriented education. They let students learn English by reciting constantly, but they ignore the practical application of English.   For students, listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four expression abilities to skillfully use English. However, in the process of English learning, many teachers regard passing the English test as the students’ learning purpose, so they only pay attention to the written test ability and ignore the listening and speaking ability. A serious consequence of exam oriented education is that it affects or even distorts the normal English teaching. This kind of education will lead to a serious lack of interest in learning English. Although their test scores will improve, they can’t master English communication skills.
  3. Strategies for Improving English Teaching Methods in Primary and Secondary Schools
  3.1Interest is the First Condition for Learning English
  Interest is the best teacher. It can stimulate student’s curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Interests and hobbies can promote students to study harder than intellectual skills. This is the first condition for learning English well. Therefore, teachers should adopt flexible teaching methods, vividly display the scenes set in the teaching materials, and use a variety of intuitive means such as projectors, tape recorders and small performances to mobilize student’s multiple senses, bring students into specific situations, and make students have fun and increase knowledge in various activities. Let students experience success is an important strategy for teachers to cultivate interest.
  3.2Create Context and Broaden the Field of Practice
  Language learning is inseparable from the environment. However, at present, primary and secondary school students have very limited access to English in school. The main environment for their language learning is the classroom. Therefore, teachers should pay attention to oral training time in teaching materials and arrange enough time for students to practice language. Teachers should talk with students in English as much as possible in class, so as to improve students’ English quality and acquire English knowledge. In addition, English groups and class English corners can also be established to promote English communication among students.
  3.3Recitation is the Key to Learning English
  On the basis of a lot of reading and repetition, choose classic articles to recite. For English learners, recitation is a very effective method. First of all, reciting the text can cultivate students’ language sense and improve their oral expression ability. Especially for primary and middle school students in rural areas, there are few opportunities to contact English, and the language environment is limited to the classroom, which brings great difficulties to their English learning. In order to achieve natural, fluent and accurate English expression, effective measures need to be taken in the classroom to help students strengthen their practice. In this case, reading and reciting the text is one of the simplest and effective methods. Reciting the text can improve students’ ability to use grammar knowledge, enhance students’ memory, and lay a foundation for further improving students’ written expression ability. If students recite more, they will improve their language control ability, so as to further improve their written expression ability.   3.4Learning Persistence is the Guarantee of Learning English
  Those who learn English well are those who persevere all the year round and pay hard sweat in listening, speaking, reading, writing and so on. Language learning is a slow and long-term process. The more you learn, the more effort and perseverance you need. For example, a student can’t remember a word after reciting it more than a dozen times. Finally, after a lot of effort, he finally remembered it, but he forgot it after a few days. Repeating such failures again and again does bring students a lot of disappointment, at this moment. What students need most is not the teacher’s professional knowledge or the standard answer to a question, but to light up the hope in their hearts, infect them with spirit, encourage them to stick to it with hope, help them clarify their goals, and let students understand that failure is the mother of success. Teachers should help students build self-esteem and confidence, so that students can actively participate in their study.
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摘要:在教育事业的不断改革和发展中,小学音乐成为当前教育教学中的重點部分,小学音乐教师要结合教学内容不断的创新和教学方式,跟上新课改的发展步伐。合唱教学作为小学音乐教学中的重点内容,培养学生的音准非常关键。所以小学音乐教师要加强重视,在合唱教学中要及时纠正学生的错误发音,奠定学生音准基础。本文对小学音乐课堂中合唱音准的提高策略进行了分析和探究,希望以此来提高小学音乐合唱教学的质量。  关键词:小学
摘要:现如今,steam教育受到了众多专家学者的关注和研究,它是一种崭新的教育模式,基于steam教育理念下可以高效的实现跨学科的整合教学,把不同的学科知识衔接在一起,在小学语文课堂教学的过程中也实施了steam教育,旨在提升学生的综合素养,强化其整合能力,培养其创新思维,拓展其视野。笔者在文中就steam教育在小学语文课堂教学中的实践展开了研究,希望对广大教育者有所帮助。  关键词:steam教
摘要:课堂提问是数学老师经常使用的一种教学方式,能够带领学生更深层次理解数学知识,起到拓展学生数学思维、开发智力的作用。小学阶段的学生数学学习很容易受到外在环境的影响,在课堂学习时经常会被其他事情分心,这时如果数学老师可以运用适当问题吸引学生注意力,实现小学数学高效教学。本文是对小学数学课堂提问中问题的构建探究,借助课程提问构建高效课堂,实现小学输出课堂教学目标。  关键词:小学数学;课堂提问;问
摘要:在体育教学过程中,需要不断从各方面思考每一节课的课堂教学手段是否适合学生,是否体现了以学生发展为主体,教师为主导的双边教学。当每节课的出现课堂问题后,需要进行反思,做好课后反思,这不仅能提高体育教师的教学能力,也可以有利学生更好掌握知识。  关键词:体育与健康;课堂问题;教学  研究背景:2020年4月27日习总书记主持召开中央全面深化改革委员会第十三次会议指出“深化体教融合促进青少年健康发
摘要:在新课改背景下,各地教育主管单位持续强调教学的丰富性、多样性。若教师可将生活化教学融入于道德与法治课堂,则可提高教学效率,保障学生的学习兴趣。本文将简要分析回归生活并创建活力课堂的积极意义,探究道德与法治课堂生活化教学的有效策略。  关键词:生活化教学;回归生活;道德与法治  在新形势下,回归生活已成为初中教学核心,而依托生活化教学可将丰富多彩的生活展现给学生,帮助其内化法治与道德知识,充分
摘要:初中数学课堂教学中,教师应深入了解班级学生的学情,结合教学内容及目标提出有效问题,指导学生进行思考与探究,以有效问题带动课堂教学节奏,学生在问题思考中增强数学学习自主性,锻炼数学逻辑思维,使得学生数学综合能力在教师有效提问引导下不断提升。  关键词:初中数学;有效提问;实施策略  有效提问的教学策略运用可谓突破传统数学课堂教学的重要举措,因为在相对传统的数学课堂教学中,教师掌握着课堂绝对主导
摘要:在初中体育课堂教学中,恰当地使用音乐进行体育教学可以激发学生的体育学习兴趣,也有助于发展学生的节奏感和韵律感,协调学生的身心,还能提高学生的生理机能。无论是开始部分、基本部分还是结束部分,恰当的音乐可以大大提高课堂效率。  关键词:音乐;课堂;体育兴趣  引言:  一次偶然的机会,学校音响系统的调试,恰好学生课间操,平时都是古板的吹哨、口号来控制学生节奏,机缘巧合放了一首《大风吹》,没想到效
摘要:素质教育的深入发展,对小学数学工作提出了更高的要求,高要求下的小学数学教学难度更大,教师的教学压力也更强,在教学中要注重学生抽象思维能力、逻辑思维能力的培养,提高学生的数学核心素养。数学课堂中教师的有效提问能够深化学生对数学知识的掌握,所以,教师要有针对性地提出问题,从而全面提升小学数学教学质量。  关键词:小学数学;优化课堂;策略  数学是小学教育阶段的重要组成部分,同时也是素质教育过程中
摘要:教师专业能力强才能实现幼儿园的快速发展,这是因为教师是幼儿园发展的基础。在课改不断推进的过程中,幼儿园以及教师本身都应该重视教师的专业发展工作,促进教师专业能力的提升。并对幼儿教师针对特定情况进行专业性的培训,这样才能更好地促进幼儿教师的专业性发展,提升幼儿教师的教学能力,同时也能促进幼儿园更好地发展。  关键词:幼儿教师;专业发展;探索实践  对待幼儿心浮气躁,对待教学一成不变,对待学术思