杂交稻种子发芽率低是杂交稻生产中的一个棘手问题。根据我们多年的实践经验,只要掌握杂交稻种的生理特性,采用不同于常规稻的浸种催芽技术,可以大幅度提高杂交稻种的发芽率,培育出高素质秧苗。 1.不能晒种后立即浸种,否则将显著降低发芽率。要严格选种分级,用清水淘洗,捞除病粒浮粒、杂物,将饱壮谷和半壮谷分开浸种、催芽。 2.浸种时间不能过长,一般在同等条件下比常规稻缩短1/3左右的时间。当谷壳颜色变深、皱纹不明显、腹白鲜明、米粒易折断时,则表明种子已吸饱水。若浸种时
Hybrid rice seed germination rate is low hybrid rice production is a thorny problem. According to our many years of practical experience, as long as the physiological characteristics of hybrid rice to master, using different from conventional rice soaking germination technology, can significantly improve the hybrid rice germination rate and cultivate high-quality seedlings. 1. Do not soak immediately after seeding, or it will significantly reduce the germination rate. To strict selection of grading, washing with water, fishing remove particles floating debris, sundries, full bloom Valley and semi-strong Valley soaking, germination. 2. Soaking time can not be too long, usually under the same conditions shorter than conventional rice about 1/3 of the time. When the chaff color darkens, wrinkles is not obvious, white belly bright, easy to break when the rice, then the seeds have been absorbed water. If soaking time