
来源 :医学动物防制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kikwolf
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目的对南涧县1962-2007年麻疹流行现状进行分析,为控制麻疹流行提供科学依据。方法采用Excel软件进行统计分析。结果 1962-1985年每年都有病例发生,流行频繁;1984年曾发生过一次较大流行,发病1 040例,死亡2例,发病率551.57/10万,病死率0.19%;1985年计划免疫工作走入正轨后,病情得到有效控制,1985-2008年仅有7个年份发病,主要由外地传入发生在基础免疫相对薄弱的地方,呈低流行散发状态;1997年对麻疹高危人群(1974年以后出生人群)开展麻疹免疫水平监测,麻疹IgG抗体阳性275人(份),阳性率为92.91%,IgG抗体居高水平。结论南涧县历年麻疹常规免疫接种工作做得比较扎实,取得了一定成绩。但随着流动人口的增加,免疫年限的延长,使易感人群增加;麻疹免疫水平监测工作跟不上,不能及时反映当地免疫水平;当前报告接种率与实际接种率存在差距,不能如实反映实际情况等问题的存在,制约了麻疹控制工作。 Objective To analyze the epidemic situation of measles in Nanjian County from 1962 to 2007, and provide a scientific basis for controlling the epidemic of measles. Methods Excel software was used for statistical analysis. Results In 1962-1985, cases were reported and the epidemic was frequent. In 1984, there was a major epidemic with 1 040 cases and 2 deaths. The incidence rate was 551.57 / 100 000 and the case fatality rate was 0.19%. In 1985, the planned immunization work After getting on the right track, the disease was effectively controlled. In only 7 years between 1985 and 2008, the disease mainly occurred in areas where the basic immunization was relatively weak, with a low prevalence. In 1997, measles-at-risk population (1974 After the birth of the crowd) to carry out monitoring of measles immunity, measles IgG antibody positive 275 (copies), the positive rate was 92.91%, high levels of IgG antibodies. Conclusion Conventional immunization against measles in Nanjian County has done a solid job and achieved some success. However, with the increase of floating population, the extension of the immunization period will increase the number of susceptible people. The measles immunity level monitoring work can not keep up and the local immunization level can not be timely reflected. There is a gap between the current reported vaccination rate and the actual vaccination rate, which can not truthfully reflect the actual The existence of problems and other issues has restricted the control of measles.
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