Literary Sources and Major Rhetorical Techniques of Milton's \\"Lycidas\\"

来源 :阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ebayka
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本文作者以《密尔顿的诗歌<莱希达斯>的文学渊源及主要修辞手法》为题,对该诗的体裁和风格进行了较为深入的探讨,对学习该诗的英语读者正确理解密尔顿这首名诗有所裨益,并对学习密尔顿的其他诗歌她有所启发。目前,外语读者面日益增广,而学报和社科杂志一般不发外语体文章,为了适应读者面发展趋势,本刊特发此文,以作尝试。《莱希达斯》是英国十七世纪著名诗人约翰.密尔顿(1608—1674)为不幸溺水而死的亡友爱德华·金写的一首挽诗。采用的是罗马的牧园挽歌诗体,并受意大利、法国、英国文艺复兴时期牧园诗歌及莎士比亚戏剧中诗歌的影响。诗中引语和典故比比皆是,修辞手法丰富多采,诗句艰涩难懂,寓意深刻。文学批评家常把该诗与著名现代诗人T·S·爱略特的杰作《荒原》一诗作此。它是英国文学乃至世界文学宝库中璀灿的明珠之一,对现代诗歌具有深远的影响。颇值得研究。作者杨香虎同志是我院外语系讲师,该文是他在北京大学进修期间所撰写,指导教师是北京大学英语系胡家峦教授。 In the title of “The Origin and Main Rhetorical Techniques of Milutin’s Poetry”, the author of this article makes a more in-depth discussion on the genre and style of the poem and correctly interprets the English readers who study the poem She is good for this poem, and she is inspired by other Milton poems. At present, the readership of foreign languages ​​is increasing day by day. However, journals and social science magazines generally do not issue foreign-language articles. In order to adapt to the development trend of readers, we publish this article to make an attempt. “Lehidas” is a poem written by Edward King, the dead brother of the 17th century British poet John Milton (1608-1674) who died in an unfortunate drowned water. It is based on the Roman pastoral elegies of Roman poetry and is influenced by the poems of the Pastoral poems of the Renaissance in Italy, France, England and Shakespearean dramas. Quotations and allusions in the poem abound, the rhetoric is rich and varied, verses difficult and difficult, profound meaning. Literary critics often use this poem as a poetic novel, Wasteland, by the famous contemporary poet T.Eliot. It is one of the brightest pearl in the literary world of British literature and even the world and has far-reaching influence on modern poetry. Quite worth studying. Author Comrade Yang Xianggh is a lecturer in the department of foreign languages ​​in our college. This article was written by him during his study in Peking University. The instructor is Professor Hu Jialuan, an English Department at Peking University.
摘要 英国女作家多丽丝·莱辛的小说《金色筆记》,以新颖而大胆的艺术手法,描写了20世纪50年代的社会生活,揭示了那个时代的“自由女性”的情感体验。本文对《金色笔记》的结构进行了细致的分析,并解读了其独特的叙事艺术,展示了多丽丝·莱辛后现代小说写作手法的独特性。  关键词:多丽丝·莱辛 结构 小说 叙事艺术  中图分类号:I106.4 文献标识码:A       英国女作家多
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