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天高地阔,一片黄色的花海,当你将“千里金波逐碧浪”尽收眼底时,要知道花落之后的油菜籽能为我们带来经济效益。 It is high in the sky, and it is a sea of ​​yellow flowers. When you look at the thousands of miles of gold waves, you must know that rapeseeds after the flowers can bring us economic benefits.
Shanghai lifts the curtain on the largest ever Expo in history people around the world hailed the opening of the 2010 World Shanghai lifts the curtain on the l
限制性定语从句的关系词有时可省略,这种现象在口语或非正式英语中较为常见。1.当关系词在限制性定语从句中作谓语动词或介词的宾语时,常可省略。例如:①Mary is the only p
1 DAY ONE:Visitors wait to enter the FrancePavilion on May 1. More than200,000 people toured the WorldExpo site on the first day theExpo opened to the public  2 BLOOMING CITY:Fireworks at theopening c
China’s foreign trade gains momentum but still face suncertainties China is taking up a larger piece’of the global trade pie as its 2009 I exports accounted f
as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb. 一不做,二不休,索性蛮干a wolf in sheep’s clothing 披着羊皮的狼a black sheep 害群之马;败家子a lost sheep 迷途之羊;
当句子中的谓语动词和不定式的动词均为被动形式时,这样的句子称为双重被动句。例如:Millions of dollars in the city bank is said to have been stolenduring the black