
来源 :复旦公共政策评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:geniuscaobo
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在城市治理中,政府、社会、市场之间存在复杂交错、相互作用的关系。各种理论之间的差异更多地表现为政府介入社会生活、经济生活的程度。但这些研究只是集中在宏观层面上,并未涉及地方政府对具体经济行为的管理,也没有综合研究地方政府的管理方法,难以对地方政府的决策提供帮助。因此,有必要在更小的尺度上进行探索。本文将探讨在上海浦东开发开放新形势下,如何创新机制,在浦东新区商业发展及新上海商业城二次改造中,建立一种政府、社会、市场互动的模式,最终使浦东的商业发展到更高水平,满足社会各阶层的需求,提升浦东的商业服务功能,为建设国际大都市做出贡献。 In urban governance, there is a complex and intertwined relationship between government, society, and markets. Differences between various theories are more manifested as the degree of government involvement in social life and economic life. However, these studies have only focused on the macro level. They have not involved the management of specific economic behaviors by local governments. They have not comprehensively studied the management methods of local governments and have been unable to help local governments in their decision-making. Therefore, it is necessary to explore on a smaller scale. This article will discuss how to innovate the mechanism under the new development and opening up of Pudong in Shanghai. In the commercial development of the Pudong New Area and the second transformation of the new Shanghai Commercial City, we will establish a model of interaction between the government, society and the market, and eventually make Pudong’s commercial development possible. A higher level, to meet the needs of all sectors of society, enhance the business services in Pudong, and contribute to the construction of an international metropolis.
社区儿童游戏乐园,向社区内的儿童提供娱乐健身服务,兼顾钟点式儿童托管照顾服务,既解决了父母出门时的一大担忧,又能引导孩子们更多地将闲暇玩耍时间投入到有益于身心的活动中去,可获得社会意义和经济利,益的双赢。    投资方案:    玩具租赁:以销售会员卡和积分的形式进行。  玩具销售:各类游戏、益智玩具。  游乐园地:有滑梯、海洋球、积木等。  读书郎:可以看到许多中外图书,包括三维立体动感书籍,租
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