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今年初,全国控制社会集团购买力领导小组向各地区、各部门发出了1991年控制社会集团购买力工作安排的意见。要点如下: 一、加强领导,增强控购意识。要求各级政府要把控制社会集团购买力工作作为努力克服目前存在的铺张浪费现象的重要措施来抓,采取多种形式,充分利用新闻舆论阵地,广泛深入地宣传国家控制社会集团购买力的方针、政策和意义.报道各地控购工作的好经验、好做法、好典型,披露一些违反控购纪律的行为。加强对控购工作的领导,认真执行国家控购政策,除国家统一规定外,各地不得乱开口子,放松对社会集团消费的控制。要正确处理商品生产、供销与控购的关系,及时研究解决控购工作中存在的问题, Earlier this year, the Leading Group for Purchasing Power Controlling Social Groups throughout the country sent opinions to all regions and departments on the work arrangements for controlling the purchasing power of social groups in 1991. The main points are as follows: First, strengthen leadership and enhance the awareness of purchasing control. It demands that all levels of government should take control of the purchasing power of social groups as an important measure to overcome the current phenomenon of extravagance and waste, take various forms and make full use of the positions of public opinion in news media to extensively and deeply publicize the guidelines and policies of the state in controlling the purchasing power of social groups And the significance of reporting control over the purchase of good experience, good practices, good examples of disclosure of some conduct in violation of the control of purchase discipline. We will intensify the leadership of the control over purchase work and conscientiously implement the state control over purchase policy. Except for the stipulations of the unified national laws, all localities should not be allowed to open their mouths and relax their control over the consumption of social groups. It is necessary to properly handle the relations between the production, supply and marketing of goods and the control of purchase and purchase, timely study and solve the problems existing in the work of purchase control,
下热区——元江 热区适应性试验选在云南省元江县,那里气温最高可达43℃。从寒区试验回来是1月底,3月中旬就要赴热区了。中间有一个春节,还要作仪器准备、调试车辆,时间很紧
近期京城蔬菜正处于产地转换,产地逐渐北移,暖棚向冷棚和冷棚向露地生产方式的转换过程,再加强冷空气侵袭我国大部分地区,导致目前蔬菜价格持续小幅上扬。据水屯市场信息办对蔬菜价格的监测显示:蔬菜周(2013-4-8至2013-4-14)加权平均价为3.8元/公斤,周环比上涨4.68%,同比上涨1.6%;周成交1229.77万公斤,供应充足。  与前一周相比,在市场监测的近70余个品种中,有20种蔬菜价格