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近来,中国学术界最大的事件莫过于季羡林、任继愈二位老先生的去世。围绕两位“大腕”的去世出现了一些颇有意思的现象,其中最让我感兴趣的是对两人的评价。在这里,我不想加入对季、任二老歌功颂德的大合唱中。我只想谈谈由二老去世引 Recently, the biggest event in Chinese academia is the death of two old gentlemen, Ji Xianlin and Ren Jiyu. There have been some interesting phenomena around the death of the two “big names”, the most interesting of which is my comment on both. Here, I do not want to join the chorus of season, any two old songs praise. I just want to talk about the death of Elder
地区外向旅游正在激增,而亚洲人在他们门口开发着伊甸园。 马来西亚旅行局总经理桌上放着一项建议。西部一家公司建议:修建一座大型的室内体育场,用真正的雪铺成厚厚的波动
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1) For archeologists, Southeast Asia has always been something of a cultural backwater - nothing to compare with Egypt, Greece or the lands once nurtured by th
热情洋溢的 有人说林忆莲 的眼睛藏了几世纪 的哀怨,总是如泣如 诉、如怨如慕。又有人说她是所有现代女星中最具有风情的,“既宜含笑又宜睇”,这位风情万种的女星眼中,最惬意
The European Economic Community (EEC), known as the Common Market, came into being in the 1950s. At that time Britain stood apart from the rest of Europe, beli
本文论述了李家峡水电站水轮发电机励磁系统的设计思想,从调节器、功率柜和灭磁装置详细论述了系统的性能,证明该系统无论在功能上还是在可靠性上都属于世界一流水平。 This
I visited Russia at the end of 2003 togetherwith a Chinese tour group. The cruiser Aurorawas a must see in St. Petersburg for us on ourRussian tour. The first s