Optimization of Carburized UNS G10170 Steel Process Parameters Using Taguchi Approach and Response S

来源 :矿物质和材料特性和工程(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyz012
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The utilization of carburizing materials in surface engineering has undergone many tremendous changes. Effective quality control is possible through carburizing the steel components under op-timal conditions. In this research work, process parameters like
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摘 要:小学英语教学应积极为学生创设接触英语、感知英语、体验和运用英语的机会。教学过程从Exposure、Experience、Exercise、Experiment、Evaluation、Excellence六环节着手,把握教学过程,上好英语课。  关键词:小学;英语;教学  中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2012)01-0042-02
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满满的茶杯,空空的午后    每个星期四的下午是张勇公司员工的一个节日,这个节日的产生有点像中国传统的腊月二十三送灶王爷上天的祭灶,因为在每个星期四的下午两点半到四点,他们的CEO张勇就会电话不接,手机不开,活不见人,死不见尸地从人间蒸发,但当这会一过,他又会神采奕奕,嘴角挂着笑容地出现在公司的门口。甚至有人怀疑这位老总用这段神秘时间去干什么见不得人的事了,所以员工们用一句壮阳药的广告词来形容这一
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A mixture of NaOH and Na2SO3 was used in modification of banana stem fibers (BSF). Unidirectional BSF reinforced natural rubber (NR) lamina composites were made