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芦汉铁路是晚清重臣张之洞奏请设立的中国第一条贯通南北的铁路交通干线,对清朝政治局势、经济发展、军事战略价值显著。英、美、德等欧美强国对此虎视眈眈,纷纷提出承揽芦汉铁路的具体方案,但承办权最终为欧洲小国比利时所得。在中比借款谈判中,比利时屡次更改前议,对利权的要求也得寸进尺,清政府不得不再三退让。由比利时承办芦汉铁路借款,是清政府试图平衡国家利益的需要,也是列强之间博弈的结果。芦汉铁路的借款模式是清朝政府大规模铁路借款的端绪,是列强以铁路为手段攫取中国利权的滥觞,对此后中国的政治决策与时势走向影响深远。 The Luhan Railway was the first railway linking China with North and South to be opened by Zhang Zhidong, a serious minister in the late Qing dynasty. It had a significant strategic value for the Qing political situation, economic development and military strategy. The United States and the United States, such as Britain, the United States and Germany, are eyeing this and they have put forward concrete plans for the contract of the Luhan Railway. However, the ultimate bidder’s right is Belgium, a small European country. In the negotiations on loans between China and Belgium, Belgium repeatedly changed its previous proposal and its claims on profits were also scaled back. The Qing government had to give in again. The loan borne by Lojin Railway by Belgium is the need of the Qing government to try to balance the interests of the country and the result of the game between the powers. The loan model of the Loh-Han railway is the endorsement of the large-scale railway loan by the Qing government and the very beginning of the power grab by the powers of China by railway. After that, China’s political decision-making and the trend of the times are far-reaching.
我科从 1997年 8月至 1999年 7月采用中西医结合治疗银屑病 10 0例 ,收到满意的疗效 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 :10 0例银屑病患者均经门诊确诊。在来我科之前
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从 198 7~ 1998年笔者用中西医结合方法共治疗酒渣鼻患者 3 2例 ,取得了较好的疗效 ,现报道如下。临床资料 本组病例共 3 2例 ,均为门诊病例 ,其中男性 15例 ,女性 17例 ;年