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  The “Butcher” and “Pork King”
  who graduated from Peking University
  People who just graduated from the universities can hardly choose selling pork as their career. However, Lu Buxuan, a gifted scholar from Peking University, has become the most famous butcher in China. He won the first place of Chang’an County, Shaanxi Province in the college entrance examination of arts and entered the Department of Chinese in Peking University, but ended up selling pork on street for life. The news about an elite student from Peking University selling pork spread all over China, and provoked heated discussions about whether it’s a waste of talent. However, several years later, Chen Sheng, who also graduated from the Peking University, gave up his position in civil service and entered the field of pig-breeding. It took less than two years for him to open nearly 100 chain stores of pork in Guangzhou with the business volume of 20 million. His brand became the largest chain store for pork in Guangzhou or even the entire Guangdong Province, and he was called the “Pork King” in Guangzhou. At present, the two people have established a “butcher school”, and the stores have expanded to Beijing from Guangzhou. Their business is booming.
  “Market Security” from Tsinghua University
  Zhang Xiaoyong was the Number One Scholar of Changsha County in the college entrance examination of sciences in 1991; the Merit Graduate of Tsinghua University in 1996; and a white-collar with high salary in Guangzhou in 2000. However, all these are the past. Nowadays, he is a security guard at the Mawangdui pottery market in Changsha, with the salary of 2000 yuan. Although the payment is low, he is very content. As he said, “I am not the kind of person who does not an opportunity to use his talent, but when dreams and reality come clashing together, I choose to be reconciled to the situation.”
  “Box Lunch Buddy” from Fudan University
  Zhao Yu entered the Department of Journalism of Fudan University in 2004 to get the Bachelor Degree, and in 2008 he has become the owner of two restaurants. As early as in the sophomore year, Zhao Yu bought a batch of packed meal and started his own business. He could earn 8000 yuan to 9000 yuan at that time. In the second semester of the junior year, Zhao Yu worked part-time in a company. He asked about the salary of people around him. The answers were: 2000 yuan, 3000 yuan and something like that. Those frustrating answers made Zhao Yu think about a lot. “Should I find a job? I can earn much more money only by selling packed meals.” In the senior year, a schoolmate of Zhao Yu sold a restaurant because of poor operation and Zhao Yu borrowed some money and bought it. Three months later, Zhao Yu started thinking about expanding the business scale, and selling packed meals at the gate of the university became his first choice.   “If I chose to be a white-collar, I may have to live in a relatively faraway place for the cheap rent, like, about 1000 yuan per month. The transportation expenditure will be like 300 yuan. Water and electricity supplies will cost around 200 yuan. For meals, even the cheapest take-out food will cost 10 yuan, plus midnight snack, so about 35yuan per day, and 1000 yuan a month. Beverages and cigarettes will need another 500 yuan. In addition, I also have to pay for the mobile phone. In this way, 4000 yuan is not enough for each month. If I start up my own business, like selling the packed meals, and work part-time as swimming coach or something else, I can make 10,000 yuan a month. It’s kind of a director-level white-collar”, said Zhao Yu, “and most importantly, I can arrange my time as I will. I will be free.”
  Failure or success?
  There are many people who graduated from elite school but chose to abandon the traditionally ideal careers. The above-mentioned people are not alone, but not everyone can be called a success in the secular meaning.
  In fact, careers cannot be categorized as “suitable for university graduates” and “not suitable for university graduates”. Confucius had three thousand disciples and only 72 of them were men of virtue. If you’re really committed to it, anything can be a success.
  Many people believe that: as long as one can make contributions to society, he is a talent. More and more elite graduates choose to gain success with their miracle hands and wisdom in starting-up. At least they’ve provided experience for the current university students, and that’s a contribution to society. The essence of education is to cultivate contributing and qualified citizens, and whether the position is decent or menial is absolutely no standard. In fact, it’s impossible for all the graduates from elite universities to be scientists and politicians. Even the graduate from Harvard may choose to work as a social worker in African communities.The saying goes that “There is neither lowliness nor nobleness in careers. It’s just different labor division.” Everybody can understand this sentence but it’s really not easy to practice it.   Zhang Tianyi said in his Weibo with real name the authentication that, “If somebody asks me whether I’ve thought about what it will be like if things fail. I may say that since the first day of the opening of this restaurant, for myself, I’ve already been successful. I think, the external stuff can always be won back, and it’s not that difficult. What is really difficult is to break the shackles in our heart.
  What is the appropriate thing?
  When seeing the top students graduated from famous universities, like the “Pork King” from Peking University, the “Box Lunch Buddy” from Fudan University and today’s master who sells rice noodles from Peking University, we find that in face of tough competition and living pressure, these “excellent” talents who were raised up high by the college entrance examination are becoming much closer to the life of ordinary people that they leave the halo of the very best behind and choose to start their own business like others. So for them, what is the real appropriate thing?
  As early as in 2013, when Lu Buxuan and Chen Sheng returned to their alma mater to make a speech, Peking University carried out a questionnaire survey on employment situation and their state of mind among 240 students. In terms of the opinions on “college students butchering pigs”, over 58% of them think it is a “normal career choice and nothing special”. If to sell pork is with sufficient space for development, 63% of the students would like to consider entering in this business and 10% just want to be in and think there is no difference between this one and other jobs. More than half of them agree the saying of “there is no highness and lowness in career”. Xu Zhihong, former principal of Peking University said that, “Students from Peking University can be state president, scientist and pork seller as well.”
  早在2013年,陆步轩和陈生回到母校演讲时,北大在240名学生中开展了一次大学生就业形势与心态的问卷调查,其中对“大学生杀猪”的看法,有超过58%的学生认为这是“正常的职业选择,没什么特别”。如果卖猪肉的工作具有充足的发展空间,63%的学生表示可以考虑入行,近10%的人明确愿意入行,不觉得和别的工作有什么区别。超过一半的人认同“职业不分贵贱”的说法。北大老校长许智宏说得好,“北大学生可以做国家主席,可以做科学家,也可以卖猪肉。”   In traditional idea, talents from famous universities seem that they cannot do “lower work” that they should not be in the terminal links in manufacturing, sales and services, like to sell pork and rice noodles. But a rational understanding is that, one should master a kind of technique or form a kind of thinking habit in the study period, which can play a better role in the life journey. Zhang Tianyi said in his graduation thesis address that, “No matter what the future will be like, one needs to do things he likes and experience the process not the result, so that he is working for living not living for working. Even if he has to sweep the street in the future, as long as he feels at ease, he is the winner of his own life.” When they devote themselves into their beloved industries, they have already given a new answer to the topic of “Higher education is for the sake of what”.
  Besides the support from society, the understanding and support of family is of vital importance too. Zhang Tianyi’s mother once said that, “I would communicate with my child and listen to his ideas. I would like to be a mother who can applause when sit at the roadside and not to control him.” She said that, there are many parents nowadays hope their children to work on“high-end” decent jobs not on those needs to “boot on the ground”. In fact, parents should just let it go.
  Actually, no matter to cultivate scientists or ordinary workers, the prior purpose of education is to foster a person. “Education is the cause for developing personality”, I think, the words of the former principal Cai Yuanpei has already shown the true meaning: it is not graduating from which university or what sort of job one is doing, but what kind of person he eventually becomes that matters!
  Zhang Tianyi said that, to open a restaurant is his dream, his own choice and his way of living. “Just like Erlang who sells sushi in his whole lifetime in Jiro Dreams of Sushi, he is respected by others since he respects his job. If I could be like him, then my life goal will be realized then.”
  事实上,不论培养出科学家还是普通劳动者,教育的首要目的是成人。“教育乃养成人格之事业也”,北大老校长蔡元培的理念已经为我们道出了真谛:关键不是从哪所大学毕业或者从名校毕业后从事什么样的工作,而在于最终成为了什么样的一个人!   张天一说,开餐馆是他的理想,是坚持自己的选择和一种生活方式。“就像《寿司之神》里卖了一辈子寿司的二郎,因为尊重职业,所以获得他人的尊重,大概我的人生目标,就算是实现了。”
  “If one day our society would not regard the news like ‘Peking University Student Sells Pork’ or ‘Tsinghua University Student Works as a Security Guard” as hypes and stunts and we respect every life-style and every occupation post, the society can be called normal and probably many problems can be readily solved at that time. At least the college students’ employment could not be that difficult.” – Zhang Tianyi, the founder of “Fu Niu Tang”
  The overall employment situation of China is very severe. According to the statistics from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the number of graduates in colleges and universities in 2014 is 280,000 more than that of 2013 to an all-time high, and this year is called “a harder employment season” compared with 2013’s “the hardest employment season”. In such a situation, should the employment of graduates from famous universities be of great eminence? Should they follow their career aspirations or satisfy the vanity psychology of others? In fact, in front of invisible occupational discrimination and utilitarian employment concept, if one can do not cater to the secular bias, respect his own judgment and bravely take the life path that suits for himself, then it would be enough.
  In the Global Financial Center at Chaoyang District, Beijing, there is a small restaurant named “Fu Niu Tang” that just opened in April, 2014. It exclusively sells Changde rice noodles of Hunan Province. This restaurant is barely 37m2 and has only 14 tables, but the business is very busy and it’s crowded every day. Three months after its opening, the second branch store was opened in Chaowai SOHO of Beijing. You will never guess that what kind of person the owner is. Actually, one of the founders of this shop Zhang Tianyi obtains the Master Degree of the Law School of Peking University. In fact, the other three bosses of “Fu Niu Tang” are graduate student, MBA and former Civil Servant. Is it really “beneath” the elite graduates for them to choose jobs like this? At present, there are more and more university graduates, especially elite graduates, choose the careers suitable for the life goals in a more free and casual way.   在中国北京朝阳区环球金融中心,有一家2014年4月刚刚开业、名为“伏牛堂”的小店,专营湖南常德米粉。这家面积不过37平方米、仅有14个座位的米粉店,竟然每天人头攒动,生意爆棚,并且仅在三个月之后就在北京朝外SOHO开了第二家分店。谁能想到,作为这家米粉店的创始人之一的张天一竟是北大法学院的硕士研究生?事实上,“付牛堂”的其他三个老板也分别是硕士、MBA和前公务员。名校毕业生如此择业,是否真的就是高材“低”就了呢?实际上,现在已经有越来越多的大学毕业生,特别是名校高材生,正以一种更自由、更随性的方式,来选择更适合自己人生目标的职业。
  The “Butcher” and “Pork King”
  who graduated from Peking University
  People who just graduated from the universities can hardly choose selling pork as their career. However, Lu Buxuan, a gifted scholar from Peking University, has become the most famous butcher in China. He won the first place of Chang’an County, Shaanxi Province in the college entrance examination of arts and entered the Department of Chinese in Peking University, but ended up selling pork on street for life. The news about an elite student from Peking University selling pork spread all over China, and provoked heated discussions about whether it’s a waste of talent. However, several years later, Chen Sheng, who also graduated from the Peking University, gave up his position in civil service and entered the field of pig-breeding. It took less than two years for him to open nearly 100 chain stores of pork in Guangzhou with the business volume of 20 million. His brand became the largest chain store for pork in Guangzhou or even the entire Guangdong Province, and he was called the “Pork King” in Guangzhou. At present, the two people have established a “butcher school”, and the stores have expanded to Beijing from Guangzhou. Their business is booming.
  “Market Security” from Tsinghua University
  Zhang Xiaoyong was the Number One Scholar of Changsha County in the college entrance examination of sciences in 1991; the Merit Graduate of Tsinghua University in 1996; and a white-collar with high salary in Guangzhou in 2000. However, all these are the past. Nowadays, he is a security guard at the Mawangdui pottery market in Changsha, with the salary of 2000 yuan. Although the payment is low, he is very content. As he said, “I am not the kind of person who does not an opportunity to use his talent, but when dreams and reality come clashing together, I choose to be reconciled to the situation.”   张晓勇,1991年长沙县高考理科状元;1996年清华大学优秀毕业生;2000年广州外企的高薪白领……这些都已经是过去,现在,他只是长沙马王堆陶瓷市场的一名普通保安,月薪两千元。拿着不高的工资,却依然很知足。诚如他自己所言,“我不是怀才不遇,只是当梦想与现实发生激烈碰撞时,选择安于现状。”
  “Box Lunch Buddy” from Fudan University
  Zhao Yu entered the Department of Journalism of Fudan University in 2004 to get the Bachelor Degree, and in 2008 he has become the owner of two restaurants. As early as in the sophomore year, Zhao Yu bought a batch of packed meal and started his own business. He could earn 8000 yuan to 9000 yuan at that time. In the second semester of the junior year, Zhao Yu worked part-time in a company. He asked about the salary of people around him. The answers were: 2000 yuan, 3000 yuan and something like that. Those frustrating answers made Zhao Yu think about a lot. “Should I find a job? I can earn much more money only by selling packed meals.” In the senior year, a schoolmate of Zhao Yu sold a restaurant because of poor operation and Zhao Yu borrowed some money and bought it. Three months later, Zhao Yu started thinking about expanding the business scale, and selling packed meals at the gate of the university became his first choice.
  “If I chose to be a white-collar, I may have to live in a relatively faraway place for the cheap rent, like, about 1000 yuan per month. The transportation expenditure will be like 300 yuan. Water and electricity supplies will cost around 200 yuan. For meals, even the cheapest take-out food will cost 10 yuan, plus midnight snack, so about 35yuan per day, and 1000 yuan a month. Beverages and cigarettes will need another 500 yuan. In addition, I also have to pay for the mobile phone. In this way, 4000 yuan is not enough for each month. If I start up my own business, like selling the packed meals, and work part-time as swimming coach or something else, I can make 10,000 yuan a month. It’s kind of a director-level white-collar”, said Zhao Yu, “and most importantly, I can arrange my time as I will. I will be free.”
  Failure or success?   失败或成功?
  There are many people who graduated from elite school but chose to abandon the traditionally ideal careers. The above-mentioned people are not alone, but not everyone can be called a success in the secular meaning.
  In fact, careers cannot be categorized as “suitable for university graduates” and “not suitable for university graduates”. Confucius had three thousand disciples and only 72 of them were men of virtue. If you’re really committed to it, anything can be a success.
  Many people believe that: as long as one can make contributions to society, he is a talent. More and more elite graduates choose to gain success with their miracle hands and wisdom in starting-up. At least they’ve provided experience for the current university students, and that’s a contribution to society. The essence of education is to cultivate contributing and qualified citizens, and whether the position is decent or menial is absolutely no standard. In fact, it’s impossible for all the graduates from elite universities to be scientists and politicians. Even the graduate from Harvard may choose to work as a social worker in African communities.The saying goes that “There is neither lowliness nor nobleness in careers. It’s just different labor division.” Everybody can understand this sentence but it’s really not easy to practice it.
  Zhang Tianyi said in his Weibo with real name the authentication that, “If somebody asks me whether I’ve thought about what it will be like if things fail. I may say that since the first day of the opening of this restaurant, for myself, I’ve already been successful. I think, the external stuff can always be won back, and it’s not that difficult. What is really difficult is to break the shackles in our heart.
  What is the appropriate thing?
  When seeing the top students graduated from famous universities, like the “Pork King” from Peking University, the “Box Lunch Buddy” from Fudan University and today’s master who sells rice noodles from Peking University, we find that in face of tough competition and living pressure, these “excellent” talents who were raised up high by the college entrance examination are becoming much closer to the life of ordinary people that they leave the halo of the very best behind and choose to start their own business like others. So for them, what is the real appropriate thing?   As early as in 2013, when Lu Buxuan and Chen Sheng returned to their alma mater to make a speech, Peking University carried out a questionnaire survey on employment situation and their state of mind among 240 students. In terms of the opinions on “college students butchering pigs”, over 58% of them think it is a “normal career choice and nothing special”. If to sell pork is with sufficient space for development, 63% of the students would like to consider entering in this business and 10% just want to be in and think there is no difference between this one and other jobs. More than half of them agree the saying of “there is no highness and lowness in career”. Xu Zhihong, former principal of Peking University said that, “Students from Peking University can be state president, scientist and pork seller as well.”
  In traditional idea, talents from famous universities seem that they cannot do “lower work” that they should not be in the terminal links in manufacturing, sales and services, like to sell pork and rice noodles. But a rational understanding is that, one should master a kind of technique or form a kind of thinking habit in the study period, which can play a better role in the life journey. Zhang Tianyi said in his graduation thesis address that, “No matter what the future will be like, one needs to do things he likes and experience the process not the result, so that he is working for living not living for working. Even if he has to sweep the street in the future, as long as he feels at ease, he is the winner of his own life.” When they devote themselves into their beloved industries, they have already given a new answer to the topic of “Higher education is for the sake of what”.
  Besides the support from society, the understanding and support of family is of vital importance too. Zhang Tianyi’s mother once said that, “I would communicate with my child and listen to his ideas. I would like to be a mother who can applause when sit at the roadside and not to control him.” She said that, there are many parents nowadays hope their children to work on“high-end” decent jobs not on those needs to “boot on the ground”. In fact, parents should just let it go.   在传统的观念看来,名校毕业的高材生们似乎不能“低就”,比如他们不应该出现在制造业、销售业、服务业的终端环节,不能卖猪肉、卖米粉。但理性的认识是,一个人在求学阶段的学习,应该是掌握一种技能或是养成一种思维习惯,更好地在人生旅途上得以应用。张天一在他的毕业论文中说:“无论未来如何,能够做自己喜欢的事情,体验过程而非结果,生活着而不是生存着。纵使将来去扫大街,若能获心安,也自认是人生大赢家。”当他们投身到自己热爱的行业中去的时候,就已经给“受高等教育究竟是为了什么”这一论题展示了一个新的答案。
  Actually, no matter to cultivate scientists or ordinary workers, the prior purpose of education is to foster a person. “Education is the cause for developing personality”, I think, the words of the former principal Cai Yuanpei has already shown the true meaning: it is not graduating from which university or what sort of job one is doing, but what kind of person he eventually becomes that matters!
  Zhang Tianyi said that, to open a restaurant is his dream, his own choice and his way of living. “Just like Erlang who sells sushi in his whole lifetime in Jiro Dreams of Sushi, he is respected by others since he respects his job. If I could be like him, then my life goal will be realized then.”
  “If one day our society would not regard the news like ‘Peking University Student Sells Pork’ or ‘Tsinghua University Student Works as a Security Guard” as hypes and stunts and we respect every life-style and every occupation post, the society can be called normal and probably many problems can be readily solved at that time. At least the college students’ employment could not be that difficult.” – Zhang Tianyi, the founder of “Fu Niu Tang”
  The overall employment situation of China is very severe. According to the statistics from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the number of graduates in colleges and universities in 2014 is 280,000 more than that of 2013 to an all-time high, and this year is called “a harder employment season” compared with 2013’s “the hardest employment season”. In such a situation, should the employment of graduates from famous universities be of great eminence? Should they follow their career aspirations or satisfy the vanity psychology of others? In fact, in front of invisible occupational discrimination and utilitarian employment concept, if one can do not cater to the secular bias, respect his own judgment and bravely take the life path that suits for himself, then it would be enough.
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