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  “The business in my store is to accessorize cell phones.” For some people, this is not a great business project, but it’s the first step for a 25-year-old woman to realize her dream. Li Yunxia, born in 1988, still possesses the innocence of college students. She said she chose her major depending on good employment. Differently from other Beipiao1, she didn’t come to Beijing because of a pure yearning for big city life, but because she had relatives here. In short, Li leaves others an impression that she is well-prepared for everything with a down-to-earth attitude. However, this prudent woman gave up the "golden rice bowl" in others’ eyes --- a job in a public institution. Instead, she chose to take the entrepreneurship program supported by Hua Mulan Fundation, with the courage for the first step of her “adventure” in life.
  Abandon the "golden rice bowl" for a startup
  In the summer of 2012, Li Yunxia finished her four years of undergraduate studies and graduated from Huanghuai University in Henan Province. Before long, she went to Beijing, a new and huge city. She lives at her relatives’ and started finding a job. Like most other female graduates, her favorite job requires stable working hours and salaries. “My major is Civil Engineering Budget. It’s not hard for me to find a job.” She sent a couple of resumes and got a job related to civil engineering budget before long in a public institution. In a competitive graduation season, such a plum job can make many graduates green with envy. However, Li was hesitant. Destiny put her at the key crossroads --- a good friend introduced her to the “Hua Mulan Fundation Supporting Women Graduates for Entrepreneurship” campaign and advised her to have a try.
  This is a programme dedicated to supporting female graduates’ entrepreneurship. It provides not only training and startup capital, but also well-decorated stores and mature business projects. In a word, the cost of input for female graduates in this project is almost zero. Such a rare opportunity is appealing to Li. “It’s like pennies fall from heaven. I don’t dare to believe that I’m so lucky at the very beginning.” She submitted a registration application and attended training courses. After a comprehensive understanding of the project, she determined to reject the project budget job and decided to be a female boss herself.   2012年夏天,李云霞完成了四年的本科学业,从河南黄淮学院毕业了。没多久她就买了北上的火车票,只身一人来到北京这座陌生而庞大的都市,一边借宿在亲戚家,一边着手找工作。和许多女大学生一样,让她心仪的是上班时间及收入都稳定的工作。“我读的是土木工程预算专业,找工作倒也不难。”她投出几份简历,没多久就得到了在事业单位做工程预算的职位。在竞争激烈的毕业季,这是让多少毕业生都眼红的“肥缺”,然而李云霞竟然迟疑了,命运将她摆在了关键的十字路口——一个好朋友向她介绍了花木兰基金会的“女大学生创业支持行动”,建议她去申请试试。
  Starting enterprises is hard
  Speaking of the reasons why she made this choice, Li said without hesitation: "I don’t want always to be working for others." Li’s parents divorced when she was young. She learned to be independent early but also felt pressure in life. She aspired to be financially independent. “If I take the job in project budget, what would it be like? I may get fixed salaries set by others year after year. Starting enterprises is different. I can be a boss myself and everything I do is up to me.” To Li, the Hua Mulan Foundation with its mature business “flow line” is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. “After gaining one year’s profit, I can get a 10% stake as a manager. This is so attractive! With such incentives, I am confident that I can do it well.” However, there are various difficulties and risks in actual operation even though there is zero cost of input. Li had never thought about this when at college. “If you do not experience it yourself, you cannot know all the details of starting enterprises and how difficult it is.”
  Hua Mulan Foundation offers a number of projects to choose from and provides related pre-service training. Li selected the “Daqin Cell Phone Accessories” project, which is funded by Hua Mulan Foundation. Daqin Company provides personalized equipment and products for cell phone accessorizing and joins for chain business. Li started by putting on screen protectors. She first learned the actual operation of the business in her store. Then she learned other workflow processes like budgeting and purchasing as well as mentality adjustment from professionals. “I used to think it quite easy to put on a screen protector. However, it’s not easy at all in reality to make the screen protector smooth and beautiful.”
  In December last year, when her fellow graduates were still worried about finding a job, Li had been promoted as Store Manager of “Daqin Cell Phone Accessories”. However, she encountered some unexpected things when she was first engaged in business. Some male customers would chat with her when finding her a young woman managing the store. “They didn’t come for shopping, but for chatting.” Until now, Li is still embarrassed when mentioning such situation. “I didn’t know how to deal with it at first. I didn’t want to respond to them. But I was afraid the customers might be lost. Now I’ve learned to guide the topic back to our products for selling.” She smiled proudly. Having developed tact and eloquence, Li has also learned to conduct market research and online publicity. She has been aware that vision and wisdom are needed even for pricing the products and looking for new products.   说起作出这个选择的原因,李云霞毫不犹豫地说:“我不想永远给别人打工。”李云霞年幼时父母离异,懂事的她早早学会了独立,也感受到了生活中的压力,于是她迫切希望自己能早一些经济自主。“如果我去做工程预算,又能怎么样呢?年复一年地做下去,永远拿别人定下的工资。创业就不一样了,可以自己当老板,自己说了算。”花木兰基金会提供的已经建立成熟的创业“流水线”,对李云霞来说,无异于一个千载难逢的“速成”机会。“店铺盈利一年后,作为店长我能得到10%的股份,吸引力太大了!有这样的鼓励机制,我有信心做好!”然而,即使是这样零成本的“馅饼”,在实际操作起来,也有着种种困难和风险,这些都是初出校园的李云霞从来没有想到过的。“如果不是真的去做,不是去了解创业的种种细节,真的不知道有这么艰难。”
  Persevering in the enterprise for a better future
  When asked “what is key to the success of entrepreneurship”, Li thought carefully and replied: Persevere. She said, it is an attempt to start enterprises. An inexperienced female graduate would inevitably encounter some difficulties. She may feel depressed if the business is not successful. Before Li worked in this store, a female college student had worked in this store for about half a year and finally quitted due to the hardship of starting enterprises. However, Li thinks it would be better to find a way out instead of quitting, being disheartened. For example, Li introduced a unique LCD screen protector in Beijing to her store and gained praises and profits in a competitive market.
  For Li, this store serves as her best experimental garden. Her future planning is to learn a variety of business workflow and to gain experience. She plans to open 2-3 chain stores herself. Li said the road towards starting enterprises is thorny, “but we must be long-visionary and persevere in this cause for a better future.”
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