
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cwhgh
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  I work in the one-stop youth center Kampala and Arua. I’m part of the UN Habitat team and I’m coordinated that youth program. One-stop youth center has empowered young people about six thematic areasin terms of economy and employment creation. Providing quite a number of services in reproductive health, ICT (information and communication technology)…But specifically for entrepreneurship. We promote skills development among young people. Uganda has got high unemployment rates, so the country has said, “we need to give them skills”. And that’s what we do, we partner with a number of organizations to train young people in business entrepreneurship and management skills.
  When we train them, we try to link them to financial institutions and other development agencies that provide funding, because after finishing the training, getting start-up capital is a challenge for them. They need money to start their own business, because the government cannot provide enough employment for the young people.
  In Kampala we’re training 400 young people in ICT and leadership skills. 12 week training per class, and every class with 25 youths.After the training, we hope that they will be able to start something and help their communities. It is mandatory for every youth that takes part in the training to go back to the community, helping with the cleaning, helping the poor, helping the elderly. Also, each class is supposed to identify a project. The class that’s training now, they’ve gone to support a school. It makes them feel that they are part of the community and that they have a social responsibility with their communities.
  For Arua (north of Uganda): We’re implementing the program with the Arua municipality. Last year we trained over 1000 youths in entrepreneurship and business management skills. At least over 50% of those trainees have created their own jobs. We try to provide them with key tools .We also give them life skills. They need to be mentored. Some of them we identify good firms where they can go for mentorship, to ensure that at least they can get a good foundation to start.
  I’m happy that the government in Uganda has realized that youth they are key stakeholders in the development of our economy and they have come up with a number of programs to support them. One of the program is called “Skilling Uganda”, because they realize that the unemployment situation in Uganda is attributed to a lack of employable skills. That program gives them access to multisector skills, life skills, and vocational skills.   I started with young people in 2006.I think young people have the potential and can be good leaders, they know their problems better than we do, they can always find solutions to their problems, but it would also be good for the government and other development partners to involve them in all their interventions. For young people to feel that a project belongs to them, that they’re part of it, they need to be involved right from the start, from the design of the project.
  We know young people are very energetic and can do anything. You talk about riots in the cities, crime, youths selling themselves and actually, that’s because they fail to make good livelihoods and they can’t find alternatives. It is very important that government and other development partners take young people as key stakeholders to create change. Young people also have a problem of attitude, sometimes their attitude towards certain opportunities may not be that good.
  They disregard the vocational training, but they don’t realize that many youths that have gone to university don’t have jobs because the government is not able to provide employment. Entrepreneurship is being introduced as a concept in secondary school in Uganda. It has becomes a subject up until university.
  At the country level we are promoting physical development planning, making sure that the spaces for young people are being identified (recreational center, youth center)... They are part of the development of the cities. We also try to promote their engagement, let them take part in the construction of the city. We are trying to train young people to build their own centers.
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