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转变差生,首先要增强学生的自信心。差生大部分认为自己脑子笨,再问为什么笨时,都说生来就笨,他们对学习丧失信心,是由于自己天生一个工作效率很低的脑子。有的学生干脆说是父母让他们来学习,他们本人并不想学。针对这种实际,我给新生上的第一堂课就不讲化学,而只搞动员,列举学校历年来差生竞赛获奖、高考上线的许多事例,并让他们明白许多考上重点中学的学生由于种种原因而导致高考落榜,落榜后才理解老师说的“宁当鸡头,不当凤尾”的道理,不要因为进了普通高中就感到耻辱。在以后的课堂教学中,让学生逐步认识到智力主要由观察力、记忆力、思维力、想象力等组成。超常儿童不多,弱智儿童更少,大部分学生先天差异不大,之所以后天有 In order to make a difference, students must first increase their self-confidence. Most poor students think that their brains are stupid. When they ask why they are stupid, they say that they are born stupid. They lose confidence in their studies because they are born with a brain that is inefficient. Some students simply said that it was their parents who asked them to study. They themselves did not want to learn. In view of this reality, I gave no chemistry to the first class of my freshmen, and I only mobilized to enumerate many examples of the school’s past years winning contests and college entrance exams, and letting them understand that many students admitted to key middle schools All sorts of reasons led to the college entrance examination and failed to comprehend the truth of the teacher’s “Ning Dangtou, improper Phenix”. Do not be disgraced because of being in an ordinary high school. In the later classroom teaching, students are gradually realized that intelligence consists mainly of observation, memory, thinking, and imagination. There are not many extraordinary children and fewer children with mental retardation. Most students have little difference between themselves.
1.大多数金属不能被磁铁吸引,但铁能被磁铁吸引并导磁。 2.金属与强氧化性酸反应时被氧化成高价金属盐,但当铁过量时,与氧化性酸反应将生成亚铁盐。如: 1. Most metals can
“知识是躯体,问题是心脏,思想是灵魂,方法是行为”。传统教材弊端是重躯体与行为而忽略了灵魂,新教材新就新在数学思想的渗透。 数学思想是对数学规律本质的认识,是数学科
To assess the toxicity of heavy metal pollution to marine intertidal shellfish, enzymatic responses and lipid peroxidation were investigated in the clam Mactra