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江西省信丰县是革命老区富有传奇色彩的一块红色故土,毛泽东、朱德、邓小平等老一辈无产阶级革命家都曾在这里留下过武装斗争的光辉足迹。这些年来,尽管县委班子成员换了一茬又一茬,但党管武装的好传统却代代相传,成为全省新时期党管武装工作的一面旗帜。 去年初,党中央作出进一步加强人武部建设的重大决策以后,地方上有的同志产生了模糊认识,认为今后与人武部是军政军民关系了,个别部门对武装工作一度也出现了推卸责任的现象。这一情况的出现,始终牵动着县委、县政府领导的心,县委“一班人”及时组织大家认真学习党中央关于加强人武部建设的文件精神,用党中央的文件精神统一思想,教育这些存在模糊认识的同志要讲政治、增强政治敏感性,并明确提出:县人武部虽然建制变了,保持党管武装的传统不能改变。地方党委、政府抓国防后备力量建设的责任不是减轻了,而是更重了。为了确保党中央加强人武部建设的决策落实到位,县委、 Xinfeng County in Jiangxi Province is the legendary red old land in the revolutionary old quarter. The proletarian revolutionaries such as Mao Zedong, Zhu De and Deng Xiaoping once left brilliant shuffle of armed struggle here. In recent years, despite the fact that the members of the county team have changed their crop stubble, the good tradition of the party in controlling armed forces has been passed down from generation to generation and has become the banner of the party’s armed forces in the new era. Earlier last year, after the CPC Central Committee made major decisions to further strengthen the construction of the People’s Armed Police Department, some local comrades came to a vague understanding that the relationship with the Armed Police Force is the military-civil-military relationship in the future and that the individual departments once appeared to shirk their responsibility in the armed work . The emergence of this situation always affects the heart and county leaders under the leadership of the county government, “a group of” people in a timely manner to guide everyone to seriously study the spirit of the party Central Committee document on building the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces, with the spirit of the party Central Committee documentary thoughts and education of these Comrades with vague understanding should talk about politics and increase their political sensitivity. They clearly pointed out: Although the establishment of county armed forces has changed, the tradition of keeping the party in charge of armed affairs can not be changed. The responsibility of local Party committees and governments in grasping the reserve for national defense is not lessened, but rather heavier. In order to ensure that the decision made by the Party Central Committee to strengthen the construction of the People’s Armed Police Department is put in place,
如何使城市民兵应急分队既适应改革开放的“市场”,又适应未来反侵略战争“战场”的需要;既能与“市场”“合拍”,又能与“战场”“同步”?这是应该研究和探讨的课题。 一、
为了进一步发动、组织民兵带头参加“两个文明”建设,按照上级的统一部署,滨州军分区要求所属各县乡武装部都建立一到二个民兵连带建示范点。 典型引路是军分区系统的重要工
国有大中型企业在实行股份制的情况下,如何加强民兵建设?最近笔者就此问题作了调查,取得了一些新的认识。 我在调查中发现,股份制企业的行政机构设置普遍较为精干,如果再依
山东省德州市德城区人武部把学习邓小平理论与调查研究、科学决策紧紧结合起来,围绕民兵预备役工作实际,解放思想,寻找规律和对策,进一步深化民兵工作调整改革。 德城区人武