晚近几年来,在生物化学领域内对于探求醣代谢的途径有很大的进展,根据实验材料研究的结论指出,葡萄糖在生物体的分解路线除了所熟悉的“酵解途径”标记着葡萄糖通过1,6二磷酸果糖对裂为两分子丙醣以至丙酮酸以外,还有一条看来比较陌生而轮廓已够清楚的“磷酸戊醣途径”。它标记着葡萄糖通过葡萄糖酸降级为戊醣以至丙醣。酵解过程往常称E.M.路线,磷酸戊醣途径又称为“侧线”(Shunt path)。醣的侧线代谢说明了己醣、戊醣、庚醣
In recent years, great advances have been made in the field of biochemistry for exploring glucose metabolism. According to the conclusion of the experimental material research, the decomposition route of glucose in the living body, besides the well-known “glycolysis pathway”, marks the passage of glucose through 1 , 6 fructose diphosphate split between two molecules of triose and pyruvate, there is a more unfamiliar figure outlines the “pentose phosphate pathway.” It marks the degradation of glucose by gluconic acid to pentose to triose. The glycolysis process is often referred to as the E.M. course and the pentose phosphate pathway is also known as the “Shunt path.” Side-sugar metabolism of hexose, pentose, heptose