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  刘佩 译
  A Tough Job for Ban Ki-moon
  To succeed as secretary-general of the UN, Ban Ki-moon must first earn the respect of a 1)fractious group of member states, then conduct internal reforms.
  The secretary-general of the United Nations is, according to its 2)charter, merely the body’s “3)chief administrative officer”, who may bring to the notice of members any situation that threatens world peace. Yet in recent years the role of the world’s chief diplomat has grown; some even regard the secretary-general as a “4)secular pope”. 5)Dag Hammarskjold was the organization’s first superstar. 6)Kofi Annan, the outgoing secretary-general, has ever been widely admired.
  Ban Ki-moon, who was due to be confirmed as the new secretary-general on Friday, October 13th, 2006 by the 7)UN’s General Assembly, is hardly colourful or charismatic. “Grey” and “hardworking” are common descriptions and even he considers himself to be “basically a harmoniser”. But this could work in favour of the South Korean.
  Secretaries-general have little formal power. Instead, they depend on their ability to convince member states to do the right thing. When the most bitterly charged issues come before the UN, the organisation——and its head——suffer as top member states clash. Mr. Annan lost favour during the build up to the war in Iraq. George Bush’s administration has never forgiven him for opposing the war; others remain furious that he did not do so forcefully enough.
  The right 8)rhetorical and managerial style may allow secretaries-general to overcome, to some degree, the lack of formal authority. Mr. Ban may do well to use his harmonising skills first, and quietly, in New York, by showing himself to be an able administrator. Unlike his predecessor, he is lucky to have two and a half months to prepare. (New secretaries-general take office on January 1st; Kofi Annan was not chosen until December 17th.) He will no doubt spend the time 9)contemplating the appointments he must make.
  Not least of these will be his choice of a deputy. The job, created in 1998, has become a powerful one under its current holder, 10)Mark Malloch Brown. If, as Mr. Ban plans, the deputy will be doing much of the daily administration, he may be wise, politically, to choose someone from the developing world who commands trust from the “11)G77” (a group of 132 poor countries). That said, he should seek to hire staff on the basis of merit, not nationality.
  With a trusted enforcer running the shop on a daily basis, Mr. Ban can revive a bargain that Mr. Annan tried and failed to strike. In return for doing more on issues dear to the poor world, like development or peacekeeping which require heavier spending, he will seek greater power. He needs to convince poor countries to support a call for the secretary-general to have more discretion over budget and staff, a reform they rejected when put forward by Mr. Annan earlier 2006. With this half of the deal in hand, Mr. Ban could then promise the UN’s paymasters, principally America, to strengthen internal oversight as well as the appointment of an outside auditor.
  While building bridges internally, Mr. Ban will not be able to avoid global diplomacy. But here lie even bigger pitfalls. Mr. Ban, as all secretaries-general, will be asked by member states to take on jobs without being given sufficient resources to do so, whether in the form of peacekeepers, money or diplomatic support. Mediating in war-torn regions is well and good, but all too often the organisation fails to 12)follow up because member states do not 13)deliver on promises. In the aftermath of the recent war in Lebanon the UN has dispatched just 5,500 peace-keepers, a third of its authorised strength.
  One of Mr. Ban’s most urgent tasks may yet be closer to home: North Korea. As South Korea’s outgoing foreign minister, he knows the situation well, but he will be in no position to make the running on North Korea, given Chinese, Japanese and American interests. It is a maddening job Mr. Ban has won, but recognising its limits can be a source of strength.

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