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  Spider-Man 3 《蜘蛛侠3》
   Genre: Action / Adaptation / Adventure
   Theatrical Release: 5/4/2007
   Cast: Tobey Maguire (托比·马圭尔)
   Kirsten Dunst (柯尔斯滕·邓斯特)
  Peter Parker must face new challenges, as the elusive(难捉摸的) superhero Spider-Man in this third installment.
  28 Weeks Later 《28周后》
   Genre: Sci-Fi / Sequel / Thriller
   Theatrical Release: 5/11/2007
   Cast: Jeremy Renner (杰瑞米·雷纳)
   Harold Perrineau (哈尔德·佩里尼)
   Robert Carlyle (罗伯特·卡莱尔)
  Six months have passed since the raging virus has annihilated(消灭) the British Isles. The U.S. Army declares that the war against infection has been won, and the reconstruction of the country can begin, and as the first wave of refugees returns, a family is reunited. However one of them unwittingly carries a terrible secret. The virus is not yet dead, and this time, showing no outward symptoms—it is more dangerous than ever.
  Shrek The Third 《史莱克3》
   Genre: Animated / Sequel
   Theatrical Release: 5/18/2007
   Voice: Mike Myers (迈克·迈尔斯)
   Cameron Diaz (卡梅隆·迪亚兹)
  When King Harold falls fatally ill, it is up to Shrek to find a suitable heir(继承人) or he will be forced to give up his beloved swamp for the throne. Recruiting Donkey and Puss, Shrek sets out to bring back the rightful heir to the throne, Fiona’s rebellious(反叛的) cousin Artie. In Far, Far Away Fiona’s jilted(抛弃) Prince Charming storms the city with an army of fairy tale villains to seize the throne. But they have a surprise, because Fiona, together with her mother, Queen Lillian, has drafted her fellow fairy tale heroines to defend themselves. As Shrek, Donkey and Puss work on changing Artie from a royal pain into a future king, Fiona and her band of princesses must stop Prince Charming to ensure that there will be a kingdom left to inherit.
  Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End
   Genre: Action / Period / Adventure
   Theatrical Release: 5/25/2007
   Cast: Johnny Depp (约翰尼·德普)
   Orlando Bloom (奥兰多·布鲁姆)
   Keira Knightley (凯拉·奈特利)
   Yun-Fat Chow (周润发)
  Elizabeth is captured by the notorious pirate Sao-Feng when Captain Barbossa and Will Turner alliance for one last decisive battle.
People who want to learn things might do better by simply stopping to smell the roses, researchers reported lately.   Jan Born of 1)the University of Lubeck in Germany, and his colleagues, had 74 volu
A $25,000 diamond was found stuck in a shower drain, at the prison housing the man accused of stealing it two years ago.   Bret Allen Langford, 39, 1)allegedly asked the owner of a jewelry store to sh
My mother taught me the value of humor, especially when it comes to laughing at yourself,” my father told a group of 80 family members and friends. Was this a 1)memorial service? In a way, it was—with
It is time for “real men” to wake up and help themselves solve a national health crisis, both of body and mind.    Physical Health    There is a silent health crisis among males nowadays. This crisis
Emma Clippinger has recently gotten off a 24-hour   flight from Africa, and she commands the stage of a Manhattan boardroom without the slightest sign of 1)jet lag. Clippinger, a junior at 2)Brown Uni
xyoyo 译  Corinne Bailey Rae: Like A Butterfly  莺歌燕舞,摇滚电音,听得久了,会不会忽然觉得有点索然无味,甚至令你浮躁不安?记得还是大学那会听电台的音乐节目,偶然听到了Norah Jones那舒缓感性的嗓音,才知道原来有一种音乐可以让人充分享受铅华洗尽的闲适与安静。喜欢爵士乐带来的那种慵懒沧桑而又玩味深沉的感觉,喜欢爵士歌手们朦胧忧郁地浅吟低唱。  当
乐在其中 译  Enjoy Life'sLittle Pleasures  Aew weeks ago we found ourselves once again at one of 1)Dr. Margaret’s high school reunions. Her large graduating class has gotten toge-ther every five years for
作为一部免费的网上百科全书,维基百科(Wikipedia)(阅读版05年2月号“最新科技”栏目有详细介绍)自诞生以来就遭到不少质疑:任何人都可以参与编辑并随意改动的百科全书,它的权威性和可靠性从何而来?然而,几年来,维基却依靠“群众智慧”带来了无数让人吃惊的可靠内容,从而赢得了用户的支持和信赖。  诚然,维基百科的运作过程是透明的——在维基百科网站上,所有词条的编辑过程都会被记录并保存下来,以便为
帕帕 译  The Man Who Shouted Teresa  犹如一出小品,人物一个个出场:“我”是呐喊的发起者,随后不断有人加入我的行列,他们中有好心帮忙的,也有纯粹凑热闹的……  简短直白的语言勾勒出一幅真实的众生相:生活中,有的人盲目,有的人清醒,有的人浮躁,有的人固执……  与其说这是作者的一个有意的“玩笑”,不如说作者给了我们一面镜子,让我们看清自己!  —— Maisie  Is
小狐 译  In the Middle  刚刚看完文章的题目,脑海里就突然浮现出汤姆·汉克斯的那部电影《幸福终点站》(The Terminal)。故事讲的是,来自东欧某小国的汤姆·汉克斯由于国家政变,突然变成了没有国籍的人,既不能回家又不能进入美国,只能滞留在美国的机场,陷入进退维谷的困境。在英语中,我们用“dilemma”来表示这种尴尬的状态。  其实在现实生活中,我们也常常会陷入这样的“dil