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今秋九月二十日,贵阳九中一片喜庆,优美的校园内迎来了硕果累累的40周年校庆.来自四面八方的校友和在校师生及友人在此欢聚一堂.省教委主任万方亮、国家督学李兴国、省政府副秘书长高星、贵阳市教委主任张朝湘等领导到校祝贺.欢庆会上,贵阳市副市长王选才肯定了贵阳九中在过去40年里经历从无到有、从小到大、艰苦创业,不断发展完善的不平凡历程所取得的显著成绩.贵阳九中目前有40个班,在校学生2200多人,在岗教职工176人,共有高级教师92人,特级教师1人.校园布局合理,环境优美.教学区初中教学楼、高中教学楼、实验楼、办公楼错落有致.40间教室均装有广播和闭路电视.图书室、阅览室有5万册以上的藏书和多种报刊.电教室、微机室、语音室和理化生实验室达到国家一类标准.1991年—1995年贵阳九中连续四次获贵阳市统招中学教育质量评估重点高中组一等奖.1991年被评为市德育工作督导检查评估先进学校,被命名为贵阳市田径运动传统项目学校.1995年获贵阳市“手拉手”活动先进单位.1996年被授予百日冬锻全国先进集体,贵阳市抗洪抢险救灾先进集体.1997年获全国中小学生“让精神世界更美好”读书活动银奖. On September 20 this fall, the 9th school in Guiyang celebrated its 40th anniversary with a glorious campus. The alumni and teachers, students and friends from all over the country gathered here. Wan Fangliang, Director of the Provincial Education Commission, The national superintendent Li Xingguo, the deputy secretary-general of the provincial government Gao Xing and the director of the Guiyang City Education Committee Zhang Chaoxiang, etc., came to the school to congratulate. At the celebration meeting, Guiyang deputy mayor Wang Xuancai affirmed that Jiuyang in Guiyang experienced experience from scratch in the past 40 years. , from small to large, hard work, continuous development and improvement of extraordinary achievements made remarkable achievements. Guiyang Jiuzhong currently has 40 classes, more than 2,200 students, 176 staff in the post, a total of 92 senior teachers, special grades One teacher. Reasonable campus layout and beautiful environment. Teaching area junior high school teaching building, high school teaching building, experimental building, and office building are scattered. 40 classrooms are equipped with broadcasting and closed-circuit television. There are more than 50,000 books and reading rooms. The collection of books and a variety of newspapers and magazines, classrooms, computer rooms, language labs, and physics and chemistry labs have reached the national first-class standards. From 1991 to 1995, Guiyang Jiuzhong was awarded four consecutive high schools in Guiyang City for the high school education quality assessment key high school. First prize in the group. In 1991 was named the city’s moral education supervision and assessment of advanced schools, was named Guiyang City track and field traditional project schools. In 1995 by Guiyang City, “hand in hand” activities advanced unit. In 1996 was awarded 100 days in winter Forging the nation’s advanced collective, Guiyang City’s flood-prevention and disaster relief advanced collective. In 1997, it won the silver prize for the national primary and middle school students’ “Better spiritual world” reading activity.
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