
来源 :治淮 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sy_2005
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淮河中游防洪工程绝大部分在安徽省境内。现在打算征收的防洪基金目的是为在整个中游防洪工程体系中较好地解决全局与局部的矛盾,对在防汛抗洪中为了确保全局而为之作出牺牲的地区,由受益地区在经济上给以扶持,而由政府统一征收防洪基金。征收防洪基金是一件新的工作,事先必须做好宣传工作。这在淮河中游尤为重要。要使治淮的单位和群众认识到防汛抗洪是全民的大事,树立起谁受益谁负担的思想。尤其是现在淮河还是分省管理,而征收防洪基金只能先在一省范围内实施。因此,对作出牺牲这一问题要正确对待,全面理解。要看到因雨 Huaihe River flood control project in most of the territory of Anhui Province. The purpose of the flood control fund now intending to be levied is to better resolve the conflicts between the whole and the part in the flood control engineering system of the whole middle reaches and to economically provide for the areas sacrificed for flood prevention and flood fighting in order to ensure the overall situation Support, but by the government unified flood control fund. The collection of flood prevention funds is a new job, and the publicity work must be done beforehand. This is especially important in the middle reaches of the Huaihe River. To make units and masses of the Huai River aware of flood control and flood fighting as a major event for the whole nation, establish the idea of ​​who will benefit from it. In particular, the Huaihe River is still sub-provincial management now, and the collection of flood prevention funds can only be implemented within the province first. Therefore, the issue of sacrificing should be correctly treated and fully understood. To see because of the rain
本文结合笔者自身的教学实践经验,分析了非英语专业大学生英语听力教学及学习的现状与问题,并提出了相应的改进建议。 Based on my own teaching experience, this paper an
Duri油田第一个大型蒸汽驱项目:Duri l区在历经14年的蒸汽注入开发后,其采收率已达64%。但目前的蒸汽注入量已下滑到维持生产的水平上,而此前该区所注蒸汽均是用于开发新油区
This paper presents a preliminary summary of the applied sequence stratigraphy in nonmarine basins in China. The geological and geophysical data show that the n
尽管天然气管线发生应力腐蚀开裂的机率很小 ,但考虑到管线水压试验、检测、修复及替换的影响 ,处理这一潜在的风险必然花费巨大。现已有部分应力腐蚀开裂模型用于预测其发生