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  Abstract: Prose is a common type of literary translation. This paper focusing on some masterpieces of prose translation and analysis aims to make further study on prose translation skills.
  Key Words: translation skills; prose translation
  My Nostalgia towards Hometown
  I miss most the dishes made by my grandma, and, in my mind, those are most delicious food and even all costly food in metropolis are inferior to that.
  My grandma can make the best meal and has so golden fingers that all housework can’t puzzle her. Not long before, going home to spend the Mid-autumn Day with my parents, I said dishes made by grandma were the tastiest. My father continued: “It’s a pity that her cooking skills haven’t been learnt by us.” I thought to myself that it is true. None of my three ants could cook such delicious food; as for me, my cooking skills are also poor due to my getting used to playing with the letters. Therefore, undoubtedly, grandma’s cooking is the only tastiest we miss most.
  Coming back from my hometown, I even don’t know what to eat every day, and I still miss grandma’s cooking very much.
  Happy time are always short. Sometimes I recall my capricious teenage when getting angry with grandma or making violation of my parents, while they never scolded me but at silent tears . Now thinking of these, I feel very sorrowful and guilty about them and even hate myself. I couldn’t understand how I was so stupid then to hurt my family who loved me so much. As for them, my beloved family, they too love me to remember my faults. They always keep the best me in their minds only bearing in memory all of awards I won in school by my study work, considering me as their sweetheart because of my asking their health, as dutiful daughter or granddaughter for my hard work to support our family.
  However what I have done isn’t enough. My parents brought me to life and raised me up, and my grandma have spent ten years looking after me, which I couldn’t repay my whole lifetime though I understand giving birth to children is not for the payback but one’s destiny, I always feel grateful to them. Wherever I am, I cherish the family love in my heart. Their love will warm my way ,life and heart, and I will love family and myself in life.
  I once read one word “the young people should leave home to pursue your dream”, I was eager to start my journey, imaging I were a bright and heroic swordswoman making a living wandering in kung fu drama. How time flies! Now, I really am far away from home but feel so lonely. Being away from hometown, attention of parents and considerable care of grandma, like a prodigal kid, I would weep when feeling helpless and write something down in loneliness for memory. There are famous mountains and rivers outside, but I prefer to the loessland in my hometown. No matter where I will go in the future, hometown is always my hometown and forever miss. It roots in my soul and dream eternally. Just as poet Gu Qingsheng writes in the The Loyalty of the Vagrant, my drift is the journey of pursuing dream; my hometown is ahead of eternity; it stands for the direction of my dream.
  My nostalgia towards hometown becomes my ever-lasting sorrow, as slight as a cloud or the moonlight tonight. However, I tried every means to depict the moon, the stars, the glimmer of night and the lights from windows of each household in my hometown , but failed. If I could see the lights when I lost, there would be my hometown.
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摘要:中国内地房地产行业发展时间不长,真正意义上的房地产营销还不到30年,积淀少且相对封闭,缺少跨国界、跨行业的融合,相对于其他行业,显得相对来说比较粗糙和稚嫩。本文主要立足于三四线城市的房地产营销情况来反映中国房地产营销的现状,以此提出自己的建议,希望有一定的启发。  关键词:房地产 营销 三四线城市  一、背景介绍  在说到营销现状之前,先介绍一下:本文对中国三四线城市的定义。所谓“三四线城市
摘要:当前我国已经进入了微信时代,微信平台正对大学生产生着深刻的影响。本文探讨了微信的概念和特点,坚持辩证方法从积极和消极两方面分析了微信对高校思想政治教育的影响,并就运用微信平台促进高校思想政治教育创新提出三方面思考建议。  关键词:微信平台 高校 思想政治教育 创新  随着互联网和快速发展和智能手机的普及,当代大学生进入了“微信时代”。微信作为一种新兴的信息传播媒介和互动交流平台,有效满足了当
摘要:随着社会的飞速发展,人们对居住房屋的工程质量越来越关注,争取多出建筑精品,也就成为每个建筑从业者的愿望和努力方向。文章主要针对房建施工现场的质量控制要点,进行探析,以期同行参考和交流。  关键词:钢筋工程;模板工程;砌体结构;地下室卷材防水  一、钢筋工程质量控制  (一)地梁钢筋绑扎  1、施工基本要求:(1)在地模上弹线,以控制主筋、箍筋的间距;(2)底部采用水泥垫块,梁两侧采用塑料或其
摘要:在城市化发展进程中,我国的建筑行业正在迅猛发展,各种居住建筑、办公建筑、商业建筑等不同类型,成为了推动城市化进程中的亮点和热点,尤其是在当前绿色、低碳经济的背景之下,建筑的节能设计成为了人们关注的问题,需要根据建筑的平面结构和建筑体型等规律,进行节能设计的突破性思考,寻找影响建筑节能设计的因素,并提出相应的解决对策。  关键词:建筑;节能设计;因素;对策  在低碳、绿色建筑发展背景之下,建筑
摘要:养老金双轨制在基本的社会契约论的角度下被解读为一种违背社会契约可能引发社会问题的选择,为养老金并轨提出了必要性的诠释,文章对养老金并轨的必要性作出了解释,通过对养老金并轨的困境描述,创新性地对于养老金并轨的机关事业单位群体的困境做出了解释说明,提出了对于养老金并轨的路径探索。  关键词:养老金 并轨 社会契约论 路径  1.养老金并轨的必要性——基于社会契约论角度  基于社会契约论视角,民众
摘要: 80年代兴起的行为金融理论吸收了心理学、社会学,尤其是行为决策研究的成果,自90年代以来逐渐成为资本市场领域最为活跃的领域之一。它的出现弥补了现代金融理论在个体行为分析方面的不足,为金融市场研究提供了一个新的视角。这种理论对于经济领域各种“异象”提供了合理的解释,心理学是这种理论的重要支柱,本文主要论述了投资者行为中存在的心理学因素。  关键词:投资者行为;心理  一、传统金融理论与行为金
摘要:随着我国综合实力的不断提高,我国的公路建设速度也越来越快,机电系统是公路发展下的必然产物,它有效的保障了高速公路的健康运行,为我国公路事业的发展做出了不可磨灭的重要贡献。笔者结合自身多年的工作经验,对 我国高速公路的机电系统的运行和维护工作现状进行了详细的分析,并针对其中的一些问题提出了相应的解决策略,旨在提高机电系统的管理和维护工作,促进公路事业的健康发展。  关键词:高速公路;机电系统;
摘要:近年来,国内地铁陆续发生安全事故,安全形势非常严峻。本文通过分析地铁事故发生的原因,提出相关的安全对策,以进一步做好国内地铁的安全工作。  关键词:地铁、安全形势  地铁,作为大容量的公共交通工具,其安全性直接关系到广大乘客的生命安全。安全运营是地铁运输的基本原则和重要目标,是保证人民安全、有序的出行,保证社会秩序稳定的重要条件。所以说安全是地铁的生命线,是地铁永恒的主题。但是,目前我国很多
摘要:高速公路为交通系统重要组成部分,为满足社会经济发展要求,近年来工程数量不断增多,且对施工要求更为严格。施工质量控制一直都是工程建设管理要点,为保证各项管理措施严格落实到位,需要重点做好各项相关资料的编制管理。根据施工质量控制资料特点与依据,确定工作实施的要点,有针对性的采取措施进行优化,争取不断提高工作效率,本文就此进行了简要分析。  关键词:高速公路;施工质量;资料编制  现在交通运输量不