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研究说明·2004年,国务院发展研究中心市场经济研究所中国家电市场联合调查研究课题组组织开展了全国50城市消费者对空调产品的需求研究。·研究时间:2004年2-4月·研究对象:全国50个城市8000户消费者家庭·研究方法:多层分阶段抽样、问卷入户面访·访问对象:家庭空调器消费决策者主要结论★空调器的市场竞争格局处在不断变化之中,任何企业的失误或停步不前均将为其竞争对手超越,从2000年以来的研究表明,空调器市场领先品牌的变化十分明显。课题组认为,只有能够适应行业环境和消费者需求变化的品牌才能够在未来的市场中领先。★与行业整合的发展趋势相对应,消费者需求亦向市场主导品牌集中。★在影响消费者购买决策的因素中,技术层面的因素成为消费者购买空调器产品时最关注的因素。包括节能、舒适性、制冷制热能力。与2000年的调查结果相比,消费者购买考虑的最重要因素从价格转变为技术。★消费者对变频空调知识的了解程度大大提高,主要体现在两个方面:一是变频空调为消费者认同为技术领先空调;消费者对变频空调技术领先性的认同,主要体现在节能和舒适性方面。二是消费者对变频空调品牌的认识更为准确。 Research Note · In 2004, the State Council Development Research Center Market Economy Institute of China’s home appliance market research team jointly conducted a survey of consumers in 50 cities across the country on the demand for air-conditioning products. · Study period: February-April 2004 · Research object: 8000 households in 50 cities in China · Methodology: Multi-stage and inter-step sampling, interviews with questionnaires · Interviews: Household air conditioners Consumer decision-makers Main conclusions ★ air conditioner market competition is in the process of changing, any business failure or standstill will surpass its competitors, since 2000, studies have shown that the air conditioner market leading brand changes are obvious. The group believes that only brands that can adapt to changes in the industry environment and consumer needs will be able to lead the market in the future. ★ Correspond to the development trend of industry consolidation, and consumer demand is also concentrated in market-leading brands. Among the factors influencing consumers’ purchasing decisions, the technical factors have become the most important factor when consumers buy air conditioner products. Including energy saving, comfort, cooling and heating capacity. Compared with the 2000 survey results, the most important factor considered by consumers in purchasing has shifted from price to technology. ★ Consumers’ understanding of inverter air conditioner knowledge greatly improved, mainly reflected in two aspects: First, inverter air conditioner for consumers recognized as technology-leading air conditioning; consumers of inverter air conditioner technology leading identity, mainly in the energy-saving and comfort Sexual aspects. Second, consumers are more accurate understanding of inverter air conditioner brand.
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序言在实施信得过的质量监管方案中 ,一个关键性参数是与用户选择的供电质量等级有关的由停电导致用户的经济损失 (以下直译为用户的停电成本 )的信息。2 0 0 2年在挪威开展