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  Facts About Ernest Hemingway
  Nobel Prize-winning author Ernest Hemingway’s life reads like a good book—it’s filled with exotic[异国情调的] travel, dangerous adventures as well as dramatic[戏剧性的] romances.


  Early Life and Career 早年生活及其事业
  Hemingway was born on July 21st, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb Chicago. He was the second child of Grace, a fiercely[猛烈地] ambitious and independent mother, and Clarence, a stern[严厉的], deeply religious[虔诚的] father.
  In high school, Hemingway worked on his school newspaper, writing primarily[主要地] about sports. Immediately after graduation, the budding[崭露头角的] journalist went to work for The Kansas City Star, gaining experience that would later influence his distinctively stripped-down[无修饰的] prose[散文] style.
  He once said, “On the Star, you were forced to learn to write some simple declarative[陈述的] sentences. This is useful to anyone. Newspaper work will not harm a young writer and could help him if he gets out of it in time.”

  His Rules for Writing 他的写作准则
  Clarence wanted his son to become a doctor, but Hemingway refused to even entertain[容纳] the thought of college. Instead, he became a reporter for The Kansas City Star, earning $15 a week. On his first day there, his editor[主编] gave him a style sheet[样式表] that read: “Use short sentences. Use a short first paragraphs. Use vigorous[有活力的] English. Be positive, not negative.” Much later in his life, Hemingway referred to that brief list as “the best rules I ever learned for the business of writing. I’ve never forgotten them.”

  On Hollywood:Take the Money and Run 在好莱坞:拿了钱就跑
  Hollywood loves good stories, but the problem is that sometimes good stories don’t like Hollywood. Ernest Hemingway wasn’t a fan of how some books including his own were translated into films. He once said that the best way to deal with Hollywood is: “You throw them your book, they throw you the money, then you jump in your car and drive like hell[拼命地] back the way you came.”

  A Near--Death Experience 命悬一线的经历
  World War I called millions of men to enlist[从军]. In 1918, Hemingway was unable to pass the military physical[军事体能] because of poor eyesight[视力], but that didn’t stop him from serving. He enlisted as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. He was sent to Italy, just four miles from the Austrian front where he spent his days driving a boxy[四四方方的] ambulance and nights drinking in a café.
  On July 8th, he was caught in[陷入] an assault[袭击] and was hit by 28 pieces of shrapnel[弹片]. He saw a blinding light and, as he later described it: “I died then…I felt my soul coming right out of my body, the way you’d pull a handkerchief[手帕] out of the pocket by its corner.”
  The author continued his forays[探险] into Africa and sustained[承受] several injuries during his adventures, even surviving multiple[许多的] plane crashes.

  Personal Success and Struggle 个人成就与斗争
  In 1951, Hemingway wrote The Old Man and the Sea, which would become perhaps his most famous book, finally winning him the Pulitzer Prize注 he had long been denied.
  In 1954, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Even at this peak[高峰] of his literary career, though, the burly[结实的] Hemingway’s body and mind were beginning to betray him. Recovering from various old injuries in Cuba, Hemingway suffered from depression[抑郁症] and was treated for numerous conditions[身体状况] such as high blood pressure and liver[肝脏] disease.
  He wrote A Moveable Feast, a memoir[回忆录] of his years in Paris, and retired permanently[永久地] to Idaho. There he continued to battle[战斗] with deteriorating[恶化的] mental and physical health. Early on the morning of July 2nd, 1961, Ernest Hemingway committed suicide[自杀] in his home.
  Hemingway left behind an impressive body of work and an iconic[标志性的] style that still influence writers today. His personality and constant pursuit of adventure loomed[若隐若现] almost as large as his creative talent.   When asked by George Plimpton about the function of his art, Hemingway once again proved to be a master of the “one true sentence”: “From things that have happened and from things as they exist and from all things that you know and all those you cannot know, you make something through your invention that is not a representation[代表] but a whole new thing truer than anything true and alive, and you make it alive, and if you make it well enough, you give it immortality[不朽].”

  注:普利策小说奖(Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)是美国最著名的文学奖项之一,是根据美籍匈牙利人约瑟夫·普利策的遗愿设立的普利策奖的其中一个奖项,从1917年开始颁发,只颁给美国国籍的作家。
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