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  Wait a Minute
  The man: God, how long is a million years?
  God: To me, it’s about a minute.
  The man: God, how much is a million dollars?
  God: To me, it’s a penny[便士].
  The man: God, may I have a penny?
  God: Wait a minute.
  Worse News
  A doctor says to his patient, “I have some bad news and some worse news”.
  “Oh dear, what’s the bad news?” the patient asks.
  The doctor replies[回答], “You only have 24 hours to live.”
  “That’s terrible,” said the patient. “How can the other news possibly be worse?”
  The doctor replies, “I’ve been trying to contact[联系] you since yesterday.”
  One Dollar
  Teacher: If you had one dollar and you asked your father for another, how many dollars would you have?
  Vincent: One dollar.
  Teacher: You don’t know your arithmetic[算术].
  Vincent: You don’t know my father.
One Call Away  I’m only one call away  I’ll be there to save the day[扭转败局]  Superman got nothing on me  I’m only one (call away)*  Call me, baby, if you need a friend  I just wanna give you love  C’mo
Say Goodbye, Say Hello  AII of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.  人生就是不断地放下,但最遗憾的是,我们来不及好好告别。  ——《少年派的奇幻漂流》(Life Of Pi)  是的,我们常常匆忙而去,没能和心里割舍不
如果你曾经乘搭火车游览意大利,你很可能已经经过这个国家最繁忙的交通枢纽——博洛尼亚。然而,大多数旅客的目的地是罗马、佛罗伦或米兰这些旅游热点,与博洛尼亚这个历史名城擦身而过。而那些在博洛尼亚走下火车的人必定会得到最好的回报:这个有着丰厚文化底蕴的城市面积不大,漫步街头即能领略中世纪的意大利风情;别忘了,这里还是意大利的著名粮仓,吃货们,你们懂的……  Ask Italians which city
Growing up, my life was layered[形成层次] with the experiences of two different worlds: one the chaos[混乱] and diversity[多样性] of New York, and the other a small, tranquil[安静的] island in the Gulf of Mexico
Calendar Girll  If I am lost for a day, try to find me  But if I don’t come back  Then I won’t look behind me  All of the things that I thought were so easy  Just got harder and harder each day  Decem
Sunny Day  I open my eyes  Look to the sky  Oh, it’s a sunny day  The world is looking so bright  What a surprise  Oh, it’s a sunny day  Oh, oh, oh…*  Gimme[=give me], gimme, gimme, gimme what I want 
Parenting Mistake #529: I promised my five-yearold daughter, Sonya, that we could visit Grandma Joanie and Grandpa Roger “soon.”  This was impossible. My parents died before Sonya was born. But I didn
PeAnutS Cracks Big Screen Again  Good news! Charlie Brown and the Peanuts注1 gang take another crack at the big screen!  The round-headed kid, his dog Snoopy and the rest of the cast[人物阵容] of Charles S
Remember Him? 5 Questions with Paparazzi Star Greyson Chance!  Greyson Chance has changed a lot in the five years since his performance of Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi at his sixth-grade music recital[独唱会] w
Until recently, Yann LeCun was just another computer scientist at New York University. He 1)specialized in trying to get computers to think more like people. Most of us know it as 2)artificial intelli