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  Ask Italians which city they most prefer and Bologna will always top the list, yet most foreign tourists have yet to discover this charming city located[位于] in the center of the Emilia Romagna region.
  If you have ever used the Italian motorway[高速公路] or railways, there is a good chance you’ve passed through Bologna en route[在途中] to Venice, Florence, or Milan because of its strategic[战略上的] location at the junction[汇合处] between northern and southern Italy.
  Its historic center has been beautifully preserved[保护] and although a modern city in many senses, Bologna has successfully maintained its medieval[中世纪的] look.
  (Emilia Romagna region)
   History and Piazza[广场] Maggiore 城市历史与马乔列广场
  As early as 3000 years ago, Bologna was a settled community[社区] located at the edge of a sea which no longer exists. The Romans conquered[征服] the colonia[(意)殖民地] of “Bononia” in 189 BC and a period of growth and prosperity[繁荣] began. The remains of Roman street layouts[布局] and aqueducts[沟渠] are visible[看得见的] from some spots in the city.
  The sea eventually disappeared, and the canals[运河] connecting medieval Bologna to Venice were covered over in the 1800s but are still visible from Via Piella. These canals help today’s visitor understand why there is a statue of Neptune[海神尼普顿] near Piazza Maggiore, the central and most important piazza located in the heart of the city. It is the historic and cultural soul of Bologna, surrounded by buildings representing[象征] the city’s economic, cultural and religious power.
  这片大海最终消失殆尽,在中世纪连接博洛尼亚与威尼斯的运河也在19世纪被覆盖掩埋,不过从皮耶拉路上还可以看见运河的痕迹。这些运河也让今天的游客明白到马乔列广场附近矗立着一尊海神尼普顿塑像的原因所在。这个广场位于城中心,是这个城市的主广场,也是这里最重要的广场建筑,更是博洛尼亚的历史与文化之魂。广场周围的各色建筑正是这个城市的经济、文化以及宗教权力的象征。    Basilica[长方形教堂] of San Petronio 圣彼得罗尼奥教堂
  The grand Basilica of San Petronio—Bologna’s patron saint注1—runs along one side.
  Begun in 1390 and intended[打算] to equal St. Peter’s in Rome, it is large and impressive but retains a rustic[粗俗的] look because the Bolognese coffers[资金] ran dry and the fa?ade[正面] has remained unfinished. Today, it is the fourth largest basilica in the world.
  The Municipal[市政的] Palace, also in Piazza Maggiore, was built in the 13th century and houses a modern library where visitors can check email and view Roman ruins found during renovations[修缮].
  Bologna’s university is the oldest in Europe dating to 1088 and today is the choice for about 100,000 Italian and foreign students. Dante, Boccaccio, and Petrarca注2 all studied here.
  On any given day, you could find a protest[抗议] or political march, usually peaceful. The Bolognese are known for their fierce[强烈的] independence; throughout history, the city’s rebellions[反抗] against the papal[教皇的] rulers are examples of this spirit. You’re sure to see locals in heated political discussion and debates about the day’s topics.
   Breadbasket[谷物的主要产地] of Italy 意大利粮仓
  Bologna is considered the culinary[烹饪的] capital of Italy and that’s quite a statement. Local specialties[独特品种] include tagliatelle al ragu, tortellini, lasagna, and salami of all types.
  The parmigiano cheese will be local—Parma is an hour away. The balsamic vinegar originates in Modena, also close by.
  If you’re up for a day trip to Modena, you will surely sample the best vinegars of your life. Don’t think all vinegars are created equal! These are vinegars aged in oak barrels[桶] for up to 75 years and some are served from an eyedropper[滴药管].
   City of Culture 文化之都
  In 2000, Bologna, along with eight other cities, was declared a European capital of culture and in 2006, a UNESCO “city of music”. This recognition has given Bologna the opportunity to develop and showcase[展示] its cultural offerings each year, so that young and old can enjoy theatre, dance, film and music performances in and around the city.   Bologna offers an unbelievable number of summer dance, theatre, and music performances through its Bologna Estate program. Many are free and some are performed outside in the town squares.
   Museums 比比皆是博物馆
  Because the Emilia Romagna region is home to many luxury[奢侈] car manufacturers[厂商], you’ll find museums for Ferrari, Ducati, and Lamborghini. This can be a great activity if you’re traveling with children but even adults will enjoy the museum display. I’m no car expert—I drive a basic, practical Japanese car. But I discovered that Ferraris are sexy, beautiful, sleek[圆滑的], and you can’t help but marvel at[对……惊奇] the design.
  Bologna is charming, historic and fun to explore. While crowds of tourists fill Venice, Florence and Rome, why not take a break in this quiet medieval university town? You won’t be disappointed.
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