杨春明,几年里我曾经在从垃圾场的采访中经常与他不期而遇,后来我们成了忘年之交。他14岁就跟随检垃圾的舅舅们闯荡京城各个垃圾场。据说舅舅们曾想把春明培养成厨师,以图今后在京城有个落脚的地方。但这小子虽然能从垃圾堆里攒出一套组合音响,却不能在街头烤羊肉串的经营活动中赚得利润。春明也表示,不愿意守摊(指垃圾场或厨房),愿意云游,比如学开车、学照相。 1999年深秋的一天,我突然接到一个电话,“叔叔,我是杨春明,特地从部队来看你。”是他,是那个14岁就流着鼻涕到北京垃圾场谋生的顽童。我急
Yang Chunming, a few years I have often met him unexpectedly from the junkyard, and later we become the turn of the year. He was 14 years old to follow the rubbish uncle went to the capital of the garbage dumps. It is said that the uncles had wanted to cultivate Chunming into a chef, in the future plans to have a place to settle in the capital. However, although this kid can save a set of sound from the rubbish heap, he can not make profits in the operation of street kebabs. Chun-ming also said that reluctant to keep sharing (referring to landfill or kitchen), willing to travel, such as learning to drive, learn photography. One day in the autumn of 1999, I suddenly received a phone call, “Uncle, I am Yang Chunming, specifically looking at you from the army.” He is the urchin at the age of 14 who runs his nose to the Beijing garbage dump to make a living. I am anxious