
来源 :葡萄栽培与酿酒 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:willa81
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目前天津地区鲜食葡萄基本上是有核品种。随着葡萄生产的发展,人们对葡萄的品种和质量要求进一步提高,鲜食无核葡萄越来越受到栽培者和消费者的青睐。另外根据国际商品信息,水果市场对鲜食无核葡萄的需求也越来越多。因此大粒无核葡萄的发展将成为我国鲜食葡萄发展的趋势。我所自80年代初,陆续从国内外引入十余个无核葡萄品种,经多年试栽观察,筛选出三个较适于天津地区栽培的鲜食无核品种希姆劳德、布朗无核和大波尔莱特(暂名)。引入的其它无核品种仍在继续观察。 At present, there are basically varieties of fresh grape in Tianjin. With the development of grape production, the varieties and quality requirements of grapes are further improved, and fresh grapes and seedless grapes are more and more favored by cultivators and consumers. In addition, according to the international commodity information, there is also a growing demand for fresh fruitless grapes in the fruit market. Therefore, the development of large grain seedless grapes will become the trend of the development of fresh grapes in China. Since the early 1980s, I have introduced more than a dozen non-nuclear grape varieties at home and abroad. After many years of trial planting, we selected three new non-nuclear cultivars, Simmud, which are suitable for cultivation in Tianjin. And Big Pollet (tentative name). Other non-nuclear species introduced are still under observation.
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