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  The idea is that skyscrapers filled with floor upon floor of orchards and fields, producing crops all year round, will 1)sprout in cities across the world. As well as creating more farmable land out of thin air, this would 2)slash the transport costs and carbon-dioxide emissions associated with moving food over long distances. It would also reduce the 3)spoilage that inevitably occurs along the way, says Dickson Despommier, a professor of public and environmental health at Columbia University in New York who is widely regarded as the 4)progenitor of vertical farming, and whose recently published book, The Vertical Farm, is a 5)manifesto for the idea.
  Better still, says Dr. Despommier, the use of pesticides, 6)herbicides and7)fungicides can be kept to a bare minimum by growing plants indoors in a controlled environment. Soil erosion will not be a problem because the food will be grown8)hydroponically—in other words, in a 9)solution of minerals dissolved in water. Clever recycling techniques will ensure that only a fraction of the amount of water and nutrients will be needed compared with conventional farming, and there will no problem with agricultural 10)run-off.
  It is now possible to 11)tailor the temperature, humidity, lighting, airflow and nutrient conditions to get the best productivity out of plants year round, anywhere in the world, says Gene Giacomelli, director of the Controlled Environment Agriculture Centre at the University of Arizona. The technology of hydroponics allows almost any kind of plant to be grown in nutrient-rich water, from 12)root crops like radishes and potatoes to fruit such as melons and even cereals like 13)maize. He and his colleagues have created the South Pole Food Growth Chamber, which has been in operation since 2004. This semi-automated hydroponic facility in 14)Antarctica is used to provide each of the 65 staff of the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station with at least one fresh salad a day during the winter months. The chamber has a floor area of 22 square metres and produces a wide range of fruit and vegetables with little more than the occasional 15)topping up of water and nutrients. It does, however, require artificial lighting because the station is without natural daylight for most of the winter.
  And that highlights a big potential 16)stumbling-block for vertical farming. In the Antarctic the need to provide artificial light is a small price to pay for fresh food, given the cost of importing it. But elsewhere the cost of powering artificial lights will make indoor farming prohibitively expensive. Even though crops growing in a glass skyscraper will get some natural sunlight during the day, it won’t be enough. Without artificial lighting the result will be an uneven crop, as the plants closest to the windows are exposed to more sunlight and grow more quickly, says Peter Head, global leader of planning and sustainable development at Arup, a British engineering firm.
  Between 2006 and 2009, Dr. Ted Caplow, an environmental engineer and founder of New York Sun Works (NYSW), and his colleagues operated the Science Barge, a floating hydroponic greenhouse moored in Manhattan (it has since moved to17)Yonkers). “It was to investigate what we could do to grow food in the heart of the city with minimal resource-consumption and maximum resource-efficiency,” says Dr. Caplow. The barge used one-tenth as much water as a comparable field farm. There was no agricultural run-off, and chemical pesticides were replaced with natural 18)predators such as 19)ladybirds. Operating all year round, the barge could grow 20 times more than could have been produced by a field of the same size, says Dr. Caplow. Solar panels and wind turbines on the barge meant that it could produce food with near-zero net carbon emissions. But the greenhouses on the barge were only one storey high, so there was not much need for artificial lighting. As soon as you start trying to stack greenhouses on top of each other you run into problems, says Dr. Caplow. Based on his experience with the Science Barge, he has devised a 20)rule of thumb: generating enough electricity using solar panels requires an area about 20 times larger than the area being illuminated. For a skyscraper-sized hydroponic farm, that is clearly impractical.
  One idea, developed by Valcent, a vertical-farming firm based in Texas, Vancouver and 21)Cornwall, is to use vertically stacked hydroponic trays that move on rails, to ensure that all plants get an even amount of sunlight. The company already has a 100-square-metre working prototype at Paignton Zoo in 22)Devon, producing rapid-cycle leaf vegetable crops, such as 23)lettuce, for the zoo’s animals. The VerticCrop system ensures an even distribution of light and air flow, says Dan Caiger-Smith of Valcent. Using energy equivalent to running a desktop computer for ten hours a day it can produce 500,000 lettuces a year, he says. Growing the same crop in fields would require seven times more energy and up to 20 times more land and water.
  But VertiCrop uses multiple layers of stacked trays that operate within a single-storey greenhouse, where natural light enters from above, as well as from the sides. Even if each floor rotates its crops past the windows so that all plants receive an equal amount of natural light, overall they would get less light, and so produce less 24)biomass, says Dr. Caplow. He prefers the idea of the “vertically integrated greenhouse”. This idea involves the integration of vertical farms into buildings and offices, with plants growing around the edges of the building, sandwiched between two glass layers and rotating on a 25)conveyor. 26)Shrouding buildings with plants solves the natural-light problem for agriculture, acts as a passive form of climate control for the buildings and makes for a nice view.
  BrightFarms Systems, a commercial 27)offshoot of NYSW, is working with 28)Gotham Greens to create the world’s first commercial urban hydroponic farm in Brooklyn. When it opens in 2011, the 15,000 square-foot rooftop facility will produce 30 29)tonnes of vegetables a year which will be sold in local stores. Although this is urban hydroponics, not vertical farming, it is a step in the right direction, says Mr. Head. “I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we saw large retailers with greenhouses on their roofs growing produce for sale in the shop,” he says.
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