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<正> 开始工作的头一天,我走进《芝加哥论坛报》的新闻部时,看见的是一片揉皱的白衬衫上面男人面孔的海洋。简直象话剧《头版》场景的再现:一些记者叼着雪茄,还有几个编辑戴着绿色的眼罩。那是1968年。四年之后我离开该报时,情况还是没什么变化。所以我对该报的性别歧视提出了指控。然而十二年后的今天,《论坛报》的采访记者已经有29%是妇
Many methods are used to calculate the positron lifetime, these methods could be divided into two main types. The first method is atomic superposition approxima
In this paper, we use a method to determine some basic parameters for the (r)-ray loud blazars. The parameters include the central black mass (M), the boosting
Repeater optimization is the key for SOC (System on Chip) interconnect delay design. This paper proposes a novel optimal model for minimizing power and area ove
This paper constructs the interaction potential of the SH(X2Π)radical by using the coupled-cluster singles-doubles-approximate-triples theory combining the cor
Using unitary transformations, this paper obtains the eigenvalues and the common eigenvector of Hamiltonian and a new-defined generalized angular momentum (Lz)