长岛石(nagashimalite)是黝铜矿的钯置换体,理想的化学分子式为Ba_4(V(a+),Ti)_4〔(O,OH)_2 |C1|Si_8B_2O_27〕。在上列分子式中最后部分的〔Si_8B_2O_27〕,表示该矿物属于硼硅酸盐矿物。硅硼酸盐矿物中我们最熟悉的硅硼钙石(datolite)和赛黄晶(danburite)长岛石为过去未经发现过的新型的此类矿物。这一结论已在Matsubara(1980)《结晶构造分析》及意大利的Mazzi和Rossi(1980) 《纤硅钡铁矿的结晶构造分析》等资料中得到肯定。
The nagashimalite is a palladium substitution for tetrahedrite. The ideal chemical formula is Ba_4 (V (a +), Ti) _4 [(O, OH) _2 | C1 | Si_8B_2O_27]. In the last part of the formula [Si_8B_2O_27], said the mineral belongs to borosilicate minerals. The most familiar datolites and danburites from silicate minerals are new types of minerals that have not been discovered in the past. This conclusion has been affirmed in the Matsubara (1980) “Crystal Structure Analysis” and in Italy’s Mazzi and Rossi (1980) “Crystal Structure Analysis of Fibrous Silica Iron Ore”.