7A Unit 3知识要点精析与精练

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  1. best
  (1) 形容词good和well的最高级,意为“最好的,最适当的”。
  John is the best boy in our class. 约翰是我们班最好的男生。
  (2) 副词well的最高级,意为“最;最好地;最适当地;最有效地”。
  Tom likes playing basketball best,and he plays best in his class.
  (3) 名词,意为“最好;最佳,最好(或最能干,最有名望)的人;最好的事物”。
  She always wants the best.她总是要最好的。
  Even the best of us will make mistakes.即便是最能干的人也会出错。
  【联想】 good/well的比较级为better,最高级为best;相对应的反义词bad/ill/badly的比较级为worse,最高级为worst。
  (1) all the best 万事如意(一切顺利)
  All the best in your new job. 祝你新工作一切顺利。
  (2) at best 充其量,至多(反义词 at worst)
  He is an average player at best. 他充其量只是个中等水平的选手。
  (3) best of all 最
  He likes English best of all. 他最喜欢英语。
  (4) do/try ones best 尽最大努力
  I will do my best to complete the work. 我将尽全力来完成这项工作。
  (5) make the best of 充分利用(时间、机会等)
  Make the best of your time. 尽量利用你的时间。
  【谚语】 East,west,home is the best. 东跑西跑,还是家里最好。也可以译为:金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。
  【巧记】 小诗:Good better best,好,更好,最好,
  never let it rest;永远不要停歇;
  Till good is better,直到好成为更好,
  and better,best.更好成为最好。
  2. so
  (1) 连词,意为“因此,所以;以便,为了”。
  My husband doesnt like shopping,so I often go shopping by myself.
  (2) 副词,意为“那么,如此;非常,极;这样,那样,如此;同样,也”。
  Thank you for looking after us so well. 感谢你们对我们照顾得如此周到。
  She is not so weak as she looks. 她并不像看上去那么虚弱。
  I just think so. 我就是这么认为的。
  It is so quiet in the room that you can hear the drop of a pin. 房间里静得连(地上)掉根针都能听见。
  She enjoys music,and so do I. 她喜欢音乐,我也喜欢音乐。
  (1) and so on 等等(2) so far 到目前为止(3) so much for 到此为止;有关……就这些
  (1) so...that...意为“如此……以致……”,so后跟形容词或副词,that后引出结果状语从句。
  The boy is so clever that he learns everything quickly.
  (2) so that 意为“以便,以致,结果”,引导目的状语从句,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词。
  Tom gets up early every morning so that he can catch the early bus.
  (3) so可以用于many,much,few,little等词前,用来修饰名词,意为“如此多”“这么少”,如:so many people; so much rain; so few apples; so little snow。
  3. show
  (1) 动词,意为“引导,带领;给……看;显示;展出,陈列;演出,放映”。
  Thanks for showing me around the school last week. 谢谢你上周带领我参观这所学校。
  The lady is showing a ring to her friends. 这位女士正在给朋友看一枚戒指。
  (2) 名词,意为“演出,表演;展览”。
  The theatre is empty after the show. 演出结束后,剧场里空荡荡的。   【搭配】 ① show sb. sth. /show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人看② show sb. around... 带领某人参观……③ show off 炫耀,卖弄④ be on show 在展出(览)中
  4. around
  (1) 副词,意为“到处,向各处;环绕,在周围,在附近;大约”,有时可与round互换。
  She looked around but could see nothing. 她四下看了看,但什么也没看见。
  He is around somewhere. 他就在附近什么地方。
  (2) 介词,意为“遍及,到处;围绕;在……四周;大约……的时候”。
  The young man wants to travel around the world. 这个年轻人想要环游世界。
  The moon moves around the earth and the earth moves around the sun. 月亮绕着地球转,地球绕着太阳转。
  【搭配】 ① show sb. around... 带领某人参观……② travel around the world 环游世界③ around the clock 昼夜不停地
  5. front名词,“前面,前部”。
  反义词:back “后部”,如:front door,前门;back door,后门。
  【易错提醒】 in front of 指某物外部的前面,如:There is a big tree in front of the house. 房子的前面有一棵高大的树。in the front of指某物里面的前部,如:Please stand in the front of the classroom and show us your picture. 请站到教室的前面来并把你的画给我们看。
  6. ground名词,“地,地面;土地;场所,运动场”。
  They are lying on the ground. 他们正躺在地上。
  There are two football grounds in our school. 我们学校有两块足球场。
  【易错提醒】 ground floor在英式英语中指“底层,一楼”,等于美式英语中的first floor,所以英式英语中“first floor”(二楼)在美式英语中就应为“second floor”。
  7. bright形容词,意为“明亮的”。
  如:The classrooms are clean and bright.
  (1) “晴朗的”What a bright day!
  (2) “巧妙的,聪明的”Thats a bright idea. Your uncle is a bright man.
  (3) “鲜艳的,鲜亮的”She likes wearing clothes in bright yellow.
  (4) “光明的”Work hard,you can have a bright future(未来).
  8. borrow及物动词,意为“借来,借入”。
  I often borrow books from the school library.
  【搭配】 borrow sth. from... 向(从)……借某物
  【辨析】 borrow sth. from...和lend sth. to...
  lend意为“借出”,是borrow的反义词,常与to搭配使用表示“把某物借给……”。这两个短语使用时主要根据句子主语判断,某人“借进东西”用borrow sth. from...;某人“借出东西”用lend sth. to...如:
  You borrowed the bike from Mike,so youd better not lend it to others.
  【拓展】 如果表示“借多久”,用keep,如:
  How long can I keep this dictionary?这本词典我能借多久?
  【巧记】 口诀:“借”看执行者,“借出”用lend,“借入”是borrow。如果用keep,表示“借多久”。假如看不完,“续借”用renew。
  9. open
  (1) 形容词,意为“开着的;开阔的;开张的,营业的;开放的;公开的”,反义词为形容词closed。
  That shop is open all day. 那家商店整日营业。
  My door is always open to visitors. 我的门永远向来访者敞开。
  (2) 动词,意为“打开,张开;开业,开张;开辟”,反义词为动词close。
  Open the book at page 25. 打开书翻到25页。
  【搭配】 ① be open to 对……开放② in the open air 在户外
  Its healthy for children to play in the open air. 在户外玩耍有利于孩子的健康。
  【易错提醒】 注意“开”电灯、收音机、电视机、煤气、自来水笼头等,不能说“open the light”,而应用turn on。   10. few限定词或代词,意为“不多(的),少数(的);几个,一些”。
  The lake is far from here,so there are few people going swimming there. 这个湖离这儿很远,没几个人去那儿游泳。
  【联想】 few和a few都可用来修饰可数名词,但few表示否定意义“没有,几乎没有”;而a few则表示肯定意思,意为“有几个”。 如:
  He has few friends here,so he feels lonely. 他在这里没几个朋友,因此他感觉寂寞。
  There are still a few eggs in the basket,so you dont need to buy any. 篮子里还有一些鸡蛋,因此你不须再买。
  【辨析】 few,a few; little和a little
  意义修饰可数名词修饰不可数名词几乎没有,少(表否定意义)fewlittle有些,有几个(表肯定意义)a fewa littleThere is little ink in my bottle. Can you give me a little? 我的瓶子里没有墨水了,你能给我点儿吗?
  【原句再现1】 — Whats the date today,Millie? —— 米莉,今天几月几号?
  — Its 9 October. —— 10月9号。
  (1) 这是个询问日期的句型,询问星期几的句型为“What day is it today?”
  (2) 英文日期的写法分英式和美式,如下:
  8th March,2004或8 March,2004(英式),March 8th,2004 或March 8,2004(美式)
  日期写法应遵从下列规则:① 年份必须写完整,不可用04代替2004; ② 月份必须用英文拼写或采用公认的简写,即 January(Jan.),February(Feb.),March(Mar.),April(Apr.),May,June,July,August(Aug.),September(Sept.),October(Oct.),November(Nov.),December(Dec.); ③ 日期可用序数词,如:1st,2nd,3rd,4th...;也可用基数词,如:1,2,3,4……美式英语大多采用后者;④ 在年份和月日之间必须用逗号隔开;⑤日期不可以全部采用如7.12.2003或7/12/2003的阿拉伯数字书写,否则会引起误解。因为英美在这方面的习惯用法不同。按美国人习惯,上述日期为2003年7月12日,而按英国习惯则是2003年12月7日。
  【句型运用】 Whats the date tomorrow? 明天几月几号?
  【原句再现2】 Whos that man in a white shirt? 那个穿白色衬衫的男子是谁?
  Mr Wu is in a white shirt on the Open Day. 吴老师在开放日穿着白色衬衫。
  【结构解析】 这两句中都有介词短语,介词短语在句中可作定语、表语、状语、宾语补足语等,第一句中in a white shirt作后置定语,第二句中的in a white shirt则为表语。
  你认识那个带着两个小孩的女士吗?Do you know ?
  【答案】 the woman with two children/babies
  【原句再现3】 She has short/long hair. 她留着短/长发。
  【结构解析】 hair泛指“头发”或动物“毛发”时为不可数名词,指几根毛发时则为可数名词。
  【句型运用】 我妈妈有些白发。My mother has grey hairs.
  【原句再现4】 I want to say hello to her. 我想跟她问个好。
  【结构解析】 注意say hello to sb.(跟某人打招呼)的用法,say后面常跟所说的具体内容,类似用法还有:say goodbye/hello/sorry to sb. 跟某人说再见/你好/抱歉。
  【句型运用】 — Please to your aunt.— I will. Thank you.
  A. say thankB say thanksC express thankD express thanks
  【答案】 B,say thanks to sb.意为“向某人道谢”,thanks此处为名词。
  【原句再现5】 I cant hear you well on the phone. 电话里我听不清楚你的声音。
  【结构解析】 ① hear 在句中“听见,听到”,强调听的结果,而listen to表示“听”的动作,类似的词组还有:see和look at;find和look for② on the phone 意为“电话里,通电话”,相关短语还有:answer the phone 接电话;make a phone(call) to sb. 给某人打电话。
  【句型运用】 改错:1. Im hearing music.2. I cant listen to anything.
  【答案】 1. Im listening to music.2. I cant hear anything.   【原句再现6】 How long does it take? 它需要多长时间?
  【结构解析】 这个句子是对It takes sb. some time to do sth.(某人花多长时间做某事) 句型中时间的提问,take此处意为“需要……时间,费时”。
  十年树木,百年树人。 It make a man.
  【答案】 takes ten years to have/grow a tree and one hundred years to
  【原句再现7】 Its a long way from my home to the school. 从我家到学校有很长一段距离。(P38)
  I live far away from the school.我住的离学校比较远。
  【结构解析】 这两句话意思相近,可以互换,还可说:My home is far away from the school.
  另外第二句中far away from表示“离某地很远”,但如果有明确的数字表示离某地多远时,不用far。
  【句型运用】 It is about 2 miles from my home to the school.
  A. long B wayC farD away
  【答案】 D
  【原句再现8】 Thanks for your letter. 谢谢你的来信。
  【结构解析】 句中 thanks相当于thank you。Thanks(a lot) for后接名词、代词或动名词,意为“为某事感谢(某人)”。
  【句型运用】 Thanks a lot for (give) me the book.
  【答案】 giving
  1. 人称代词主格、宾格如下表:
  代词单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem2. 人称代词的用法
  (1) 人称代词的主格在句子中做主语。如:
  She is the best student in her class. 她在她的班级里是最好的学生。
  (2) 人称代词的宾格在句子中作动词、介词的宾语或表语。如:
  Please give that book to me,Ben! 请把那本书给我,本!
  (3) 人称代词的语序
  单数形式(你,他 / 她,我),即:you,he / she and I
  复数形式(我们,你们,它 / 他 / 她们),即:we,you and they
  3. 对人称代词进行提问时,通常使用who或whom,有时也使用what(对it进行提问时)。但要注意,whom是who的宾格形式,也就是说,只有被提问的人称代词在句子中作宾语或表语时,才可以使用whom来提问,否则不可以。但通常情况下who可以代替whom来使用。如:Who often helps you with your English? Who/Whom do you like best?
  1. — am a teacher. What about your brother?
  — Oh, is a policeman.
  2. — What is ?
  — It is a new purse. I will give to my mother.
  3. — Look,what a beautiful girl she is!
  — Yes. I want to give some flowers. But where can I buy ?
  【答案】 1. I; he2. it; it3. her; them
  Peter is so imaginative that most students recommend (他) as the chairperson of the Science Club.(2012·南京市中考题)
  注:imaginative(adj.) 富有想象力的;recommend(v.)推荐
  【答案解析】 本题重点考查的是人称代词宾格的用法,根据题意,填入的人称代词做动词recommend(推荐)的宾语,故应填第三人称单数代词宾格形式him。
  It was lovely weather we decided to spend the day on the beach.(2012·苏州市中考题)
  A. such a; thatB such; thatC such; asD so; that
  【答案解析】 此题考查的是so/such... that... 句型,首先可以确定第二空填that,接下来重点判断that前是否有名词,可数还是不可数名词,经审题可以看出考查的是“such+形容词+不可数名词+that+从句”句型,故选B。   【原题再现3】
  We lost the match because they had players. They had eleven and we had only nine.(2012·安徽省中考题)
  A. strongerB youngerC fewerD more
  【答案解析】 根据题意“输掉比赛”和可数名词players以及题面后一句的两个数字,可以确定选择修饰可数名词的many的比较级,故选D。
  There are no buses, youll have to walk.(2012·北京市中考题)
  A. soB orC. butD. for
  【答案解析】 本题考查so作为连词的用法,意为“因此,所以”,根据题意答案选A。
  I know him probably(well) than anybody else.(2012·徐州市中考题)
  【答案解析】 根据题意,本题考查副词well的比较级better,意为“更……”,整个句子的意思为:我可能比其他任何人更了解他。
  Peter is my best friend. He often helps with science.(2012·温州市中考题)
  A. meB youC himD her
  【答案解析】 本题考查人称代词宾格的用法,故选A。
  My cousins have collected stamps for two years. They have stamps from different countries.(2012·温州市中考题)
  A. a fewB manyC muchD little
  【答案解析】 填入的词修饰可数名词stamps,故首先排除C和D,再根据题意“已经集邮两年了”,所以应该收集了“许多”来自不同国家的邮票。故选B。
  The First Huaguoshan International Golf Open(花果山国际高尔夫球公开赛)was success that we enjoyed ourselves very much.(2012·连云港市中考题)
  注: success(n.)成功
  A. such a greatB a such greatC so a greatD a so great
  【答案解析】 根据题意可以看出本题考查的是“such+a+形容词+可数名词+that+从句”句型,故选A,此处success为可数名词。
  — There is milk in the fridge. Please buy some on your way home.
  — All right.(2012·宿迁市中考题)
  A. muchB manyC. littleD. few
  【答案解析】 根据对话中“请在回家路上买一些(牛奶)”,说明冰箱里应该“没有多少牛奶”,应选择修饰不可数名词并表示否定意义的little,故选C。
  This edictionary doesnt belong to (I). Its Sandys.(2012·宿迁市中考题)
  【答案解析】 belong to意为“属于……”,to为介词,故应填人称代词宾格me。
  一、 单项选择
  ()1. There is old football under bed. I like to play football.
  A. an; theB the; aC the; theD a; the
  ()2. — Do you like your school?— .
  A. I likeB Yes,I am.C Yes,I do.D No,I am not.
  ()3. — is the man behind the tree?— He is my teacher.
  A. WhatB WhereC WhoD Whose
  ()4. are good friends.
  A. Lily,you and IB You,Lily and me
  C You,Lily and ID I,you and Lily
  ()5. I like chatting my friend the phone.
  A. with; onB with; withC to; withD to; on
  ()6. The shoes are for .
  A. you and meB me and heC I and youD me and you
  ()7. I think I can do than you.
  A. goodB betterC bestD well
  ()8. — How far is your school from here?
  — Not very far. Its about twenty walk.
  A. minutesB minutesC minutesD minute   ()9. The students at school today.
  A. all areB are allC all notD not all
  ()10. — How is it from your home to school?
  — About 10 minutes walk.
  A. longB muchC farD many
  二、 词汇运用
  A. 根据音标、汉语或首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式。
  1. The boy likes (生物) better than the other subjects.
  2. This kind of computer is out of (日期).
  3. The (日记) above show the writers 7 days in Thailand.
  4. He like reading books about / md()n/ art.
  5. At the beginning of the class,our teacher often asks us a /fju/ questions.
  6. This scientist knows much about Chinese /dI grfI/.
  7. It takes him about one hour to sit in f of the computer to read emails every day.
  8. Amy thinks the mooncakes are too sweet. S she doesnt like eating them.
  9. After the meeting,these foreign teachers (观看) two of our lessons.
  10. Mr Wu is (穿着) a white shirt on the Open Day.
  B. 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。
  1. Its a very nice evening and thanks for (have) me.
  2. — How long does it take you (walk) from home to school?
  — It usually takes about 25 minutes.
  3. The girl with long(hair) is very beautiful.
  4. that shop (open) at 8 a.m. every day?
  5. The(parent) meeting begins at two oclock in the afternoon.
  三、 完形填空
  Students life in America
  From Monday to Friday students usually get up at seven. Then they wash their faces and have breakfast. They usually have eggs,bacon(熏肉),bread,fruit and a glass of milk. After breakfast they go to school on foot or by school 1. Some students ride bikes. They get to school at about half past eight. Then they put their 2 in their lockers(柜子)and take only one book,a notebook and a pencil to each class. In middle school,students have 3 for six hours. Their classes are English,Writing,Maths,4 and so on.
  At noon students have lunch at school. They usually 5 meat,fruit,vegetables,bread and a drink. 6 most students like pizza,hot dogs and hamburgers better. Students dont have a short 7.They go back to have classes 8 lunch until three oclock. Then they go home.
  Students usually play or watch TV before9.They have supper at six in the evening. The supper usually has soup,meat,10,rice or pastes(面食). After supper they do their homework. Sometimes they play or talk with their parents.
  ()1. A. carB bikeC. busD plan
  ()2. A. school bagsB clothesC. pencilboxesD money
  ()3. A. mealsB a restC. sportsD classes   ()4. A. music,playing footballB Chinese,running
  C music,artD P.E,listening to music
  ()5. A. buyB haveC. eatD. bring
  ()6. A. SoB AndC. BecauseD. But
  ()7. A. sleepB talkC. drinkD. holiday
  ()8. A. atB beforeC. afterD. in
  ()9. A. a supperB supperC. the dinnerD. a dinner
  ()10. A. vegetablesB dumplingsC coffeeD. fruit
  四、 阅读理解
  Two old women live in a quiet street in London. They are friends and neighbours. They often go for a walk along the street on fine days. Today,they are walking along the river. The sun shines. The weather is warm,and there are flowers everywhere and there are boats on the water.
  The two women walk happily for half an hour. And then one of them says to the other,“That is a very beautiful girl.” “Where is the girl?” says the other,“I only see two young men. They are walking to us.” “The girl is walking behind us.” says the first woman quietly. “But how can you see her?” asks her friend. The first woman smiles and says,“I cant see her,but I can see the young mens eyes.”
  ()1. Where do the two women live?
  A. In a large street in Paris.B In a quiet street in London.
  C. In a back street in New York.D In a quiet street in Paris.
  ()2. They often walk .
  A. on the beachB by the river
  C along the streetD in the park
  ()3. One of the women says,“That is a very beautiful girl.” Because the woman .
  A. knows the girlB is the girls mother
  C likes the girlD supposes(猜想) the girl is beautiful
  ()4. The girl is .
  A. walking to the two old womenB smiling at the young men
  C. smiling at the two old womenD walking behind the two old women
  ()5. Whats the weather like that day?
  A. It is sunny but cold.B It is rainy and windy.
  C. It is sunny and warm.D It is rainy and cool.
  五、 书面表达
  1. 学校很新并且非常漂亮,操场很大,教室干净明亮;
  2. 教学楼里有21间教室,还有一间美术室、一间音乐室、两间电脑室和一个礼堂;
  3. 我们的图书馆……
  Good morning,boys and girls! Welcome to our school.
  Our school is really nice. We all love it. Thank you! Have a time here.
  一、 单项选择
  1—5 ACCCA6—10 ABCBC
  二、 词汇运用
  A 1. biology2. date3. diaries4. modern5. few6. geography7. front8. So9. watch10. in / wearing
  B 1. having2. to walk3. hair4. Does; open5. parents
  三、 完形填空   1—5 CADCB6—10 DACBA
  四、 阅读理解
  1—5 BCDDC
  五、 书面表达
  Good morning,boys and girls! Welcome to our school. Our school is new and beautiful. The playground is very big and our classrooms are clean and bright. There are 21 classrooms in the classroom building. We also have an art room,a music room,two computer rooms and a school hall. Our library is nice and modern. There are lots of books in it. We often read books there. We can also borrow books from it and read them at home.
  Our school is really nice. We all love it. Thank you! Have a time here.
  American Students Education(教育)
  American school begins in September after a long holiday. There are two terms(学期) in a school year. The first term is from September to January,and the second term is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when theyre five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.
  High school students take only five or six subjects each term. They usually go to the same class every day,and they have homework for every class. After class,they do a lot of interesting things.
  After high school,many students go to college(大学). They usually have to pay a lot of money. So,many college students work after class to get money for their study.
  My name is Jack. I am twelve years old. I have many friends. Lots of them are my age. My best friend is Ben. He is one year older than me. He lives near me. We go to the same school. Ben and I are in Class One. The others are in Class Two. Ben helps me with my maths homework because he is clever at it. I help him with his English because I am good at it. Ben is 1.65 metres tall and I am 1.60 metres tall. Ben, he, is, doesnt, sports, because, like, fat. We have black hair and brown eyes,but Bens hair is longer than mine. Every day I like sports and exercise. Every evening we play computer games. Ben usually wins.
  1. 根据短文回答问题:How old are lots of Jacks friends?
  2. 根据短文内容填词:
  Jack and his friends arent in class.
  3. 根据短文内容填词:
  Jack and Ben often help with their lessons.
  4. 将第一处画线部分译成汉语:
  5. 将第二处画线部分组成正确的句子:
  1. How many months have 28 days?
  2. If two cats are before a cat,and two cats are behind a cat,and a cat is in the middle,how many cats are there in all?
  3. Two teachers teach at the same school. One is the mother of the others son. What relation(关系) are they to each other?
  4. Where does afternoon always come before morning?
  5. How can you get 7 out of three 6s?
  1. Twelve years old.
  2. Jack and his friends arent in the same class.
  3. Jack and Ben often help each other with their lessons.
  4. Ben帮助我学数学因为他擅长数学。
  5. Ben is fat because he doesnt like sports.
  1. 12 / Twelve months.2. 3 / Three.3. Husband and wife.4. In a dictionary.5. 6 +6/6= 7
一、基础练兵场  1.(1)dūn 蔓 líng 帖(2)豪—毫(3)示例:宋代 米芾  2.指不给人家面子,当面揭露数落。(意近即可)  3.标题修改:国际制止拐卖妇女大会10日在维也纳开幕。修改理由:因为从文摘看,此次大会是通过制定纲领,以制止拐卖妇女现象的蔓延,而原标题容易使人误以为是研讨如何进一步“拐卖妇女”。  4.示例:好似湖畔的小舟 一摇晃晃出了一个个美丽的幻想  5.示例:厂长您好
一、基础练兵场(20分)  1.下面是歌星胡彦斌演唱的流行歌曲《笔墨登场》的歌词节选。阅读后,请完成文后相关题目。(5分)  鼓楼外的小院门口有个门墩( )儿/我成天骑在上面舔着红果儿冰棍儿/爷爷说看你也没事儿/不如来家里我教你写写大字儿/一进院儿就闻见一德阁的墨汁儿/门廊上藤wàn________之间藏着一对儿葫芦儿/红木案上成堆的是王羲之的拓本儿/青花瓷的笔筒是康熙年间的玩意儿/大伯泡一壶龙井
一、基础练兵场(20分)  1.阅读下面语段,完成相关题目。(4分)  阅读的时刻,你们是最纯洁的,你们脱离了白日的喧嚣。书啊,你们是最忠诚、最沉漠寡言的伴侣,你们总是准备着随时听命。你们的存在,就是永久的保存,就是无穷无尽的鼓舞!在那灵魂孤独的最黑暗的日子里,你们意味着什么啊!你们赐人以幻想,并在烦zào与痛苦中给人献上一刻宁静!每当阴沉昏暗的时候,你们总是把我们内心的天空扩展到远方。  (1)
1. love动词,意为“热爱,喜爱,喜欢”。  比like的程度更深,而且还带一定的感情色彩。后面可以直接跟名词、代词、动名词或不定式做宾语。如:  Parents love their children. 父母们爱他们的孩子。  The little girl loves dancing very much. 这个小女孩非常喜欢跳舞。  【联想】 lovely 形容词,“可爱的”。  如:Sh
1. lifestyle名词,意为“生活方式”。  Different people have different lifestyles. 不同的人有不同的生活方式。  【巧记】 lifestyle 是合成词,可以分解为“life + style”。其中,“style”意思是“方式”。  【联想】 hairstyle 发型如:Her hairstyle is in fashion. 她的发型很时尚
1. spend动词,意为“度过”。还可用作“花费(时间或金钱)”。  如:Where do you spend the most time? 你的大多数时间在哪里度过 ?  【辨析】 spend,cost,take,pay  spend,cost,take,pay 都表示“花费”。spend常用“人+spend+时间、金钱+(in)doing sth. / on sth.”句型;cost常用“事
1. really副词,意为“真正地、确实”。  Did your friend really say that? 你的朋友真的说过那样的话吗?  I really dont want a pet. 我确实不想要宠物。  — There will be a heavy rain tomorrow.—— 明天会有大雨。  — Really?—— 真的吗?  【联想】 real形容词,意为“真的、真实
1. celebrate动词,意为“庆祝,庆贺”。  We will celebrate on October 1st. 我们将于10月1日举行庆祝。  How do they celebrate Christmas? 他们如何庆祝圣诞节?  【联想】 celebration 名词,“庆祝,庆祝会,庆典”。  如:Its a night of dancing and celebration. 这是
1. carry动词,意为 “拿,提,搬”。  如:Would you like to help me carry these bags? 请你帮我拿一下这些包好吗?  【易错提醒】 carry的动词的第三人称单数形式是carries。  【辨析】 bring,take和carry  bring“带来,拿来”,表示从别的地方将某人或某物带到或拿到说话人所在的地方来。常与come,here等词连用。
1. wake动词,意为“醒来,唤醒”。  在句中通常用作谓语。如:My grandma usually wakes early. 我奶奶通常醒得早。  【搭配】 词组wake up,醒来。  【易错提醒】 如果该词组和代词连用,代词应放中间。如:wake us up,“把我们叫醒”。如果与名词连用,不一定放中间,如:Its just six oclock. Dont wake up the ch